
UBF 宣教士否定人自由自在地去旅行 (28 May 2012)

林XX牧者曾公開在約一百人的場合中(泡菜講座),聲稱自己在UBF裏能自由自在地去旅行,然而他能自由自在去旅行這一行為,卻在泡菜講座後的數星期,被UBF宣教士所主導的 II 部崇拜信息中公開被否定,被視為世俗宴樂的荊棘,內容如下: 





1. 試想想林XX牧者多番聽到自己認為是正常的行為和活動,例如:想買樓、自由自在地去旅行,卻被自己所支持的宣教士公開否定,內心會是何等矛盾呢?究竟他是否應該繼續支持多番否定他行為的宣教士呢? 



4. 究竟UBF是否真的准許牧者們自由自在地去旅行呢?而自由自在去旅行為何不被接受為正常活動,反而被指為「世界的享樂」和「宴樂的荊棘」呢? 

5. 根據以上信息,UBF裏跟從耶穌的門徒需要一生受苦和勞碌奔波,連自由自在去旅行的空間也不容許,其實UBF這類的生活教導有無問題呢?


做信心祖宗要有肩膀,做宣教士要有腰骨麼? (26 May 2012)

[For English, see the bottom]




UBF 裏有很多牧者都是教師,其中不乏通識科老師,不如大家一齊看看以下短片,上一堂通識: 



1. 究竟牧者們(特別信心祖宗鄧牧者)有否混餚視聽呢? 

2. 在泡菜講座這件事上,宣教士/祖宗有沒有一力承擔後果呢? 

3. 祖宗有沒有肩膀?宣教士又有無腰骨呢? 

4. 集體混餚視聽的言論,究竟是誰一手造成呢? 

5. 泡菜講座後,為何內部出現"金生大地震"呢? 

6. 宣教士有否卸膊呢?牧者們又有否揹鑊呢? 

7. 宣教士有否利用牧者們作擋箭牌呢?

Source: http://www.armbell.com/liberalhk/viewtopic.php?t=4894&start=105&mforum=liberalhk

As an ancestor of faith, dose he has “shoulder”? As missionaries, do they have “Pelvic Bone”? (26 May 2012)

 Recently, I received the following email and watched the video clips. I found them very enlightening which taught me a good lesson of “Liberal Studies”. I hope to share with you:
As follows (modified slightly):

As an ancestor of faith, dose he has “shoulder”? As missionaries, do they have “Pelvic Bone”?

There are many teacher shepherds in UBF. Some of them are Liberal Studies teacher. Let's take a look at the video below, and have a L.S. lesson.



Questions and Reflections
1. Did the shepherds (especially ancestor of faith shep. Tang) confuse the public

2. In the KimChi Seminar
did the missionaries and ancestor of faith undertake the consequence by themselves?
3. As an ancestor of faith, dose he has “shoulder”? As missionaries, do they have “Pelvic Bone”?
4. Who has  single-handedly caused the false and misleading speech?

5. Why was there a Kim family's earthquake after the KimChi seminar
6. Did the missionaries pass the buck? Did the shepherds need to take the rap?
7. Did the missionaries use the local shepherds to become their shields?

Source: http://www.armbell.com/liberalhk/viewtopic.php?t=4894&start=105&mforum=liberalhk


KimChi Talk’s False Speech by UBF shepherds (21 May 2012)

brother_2008 wrote:
” I am a former UBF brother who left UBF a few years ago. When I left, my feelings was almost the same as that of the previous shepherd’s leaving testimony a few months ago. The difference is that at that moment, I was like being isolated and failed to find the right person to share with.”

In fact, all exodus of former UBF – Hong Kong members would probably experience this sort of mental experience. From “suspecting” to “struggling”, from “being brainwashed” until “coming back to senses”, then he would experience some incidents to trigger him off. At last, he made decision to leave. Although this process will experience the painful feeling of discredited, isolation, or even be demoted. However, when he leaves UBF, he would have freedom in Christ and could drink the pure spiritual milk, so he will recover very soon and live a new life filling with freedom and joy.

It is said that the incident triggered one fellowship to leave UBF is in the Q&A session of the CUHK’s KimChi Talk. During the Q&A session, several UBF core shepherds were suspected of telling lies, untrue and misleading words publicly. Their behaviors caused some sheep to question about the integrity of the shepherds. They began to believe that UBF is an abusive church and made a decision to leave.

The following are several important cases in CUHK’s KimChi Talk on 11th April, 2012:

Case 1 (UBF-Hong Kong’s messenger Shep Tang XX claimed: I am just an ordinary shepherd, I hope that I could promote to a senior shepherd in the future)

During the Q&A session of CUHK’s KimChi Talk, one director class shepherd stood up. Dr. Cheung Teng asked him to introduce which shepherd’s class he belongs to. He kept on smiling and denied that he is a senior shepherd. He claimed that he is just an ordinary shepherd. And he even said that he hopes to promote to a senior shepherd in the future. However, what is the actual position and the real identity of this shepherd? The following content is quoted from UBF’s official web site:

“Shepherd Hayes Tang reported on Hong Kong Mission, and shared his life testimony. He became a born again Christian through one to one Bible study during his school days, and then he became an ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF …”
(source: http://www.ubf.org/content/america-visit-report-moody-park

According to UBF’s official web site, Hayes Tang is the ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF (also called “ancestor of faith – Abraham”). In UBF, every University has only one ancestor of faith. The statues of the ancestor of faith in UBF is very high and is highly-honored by missionaries. Shep. Hayes Tang is not only the ancestor of faith of one university, he is even the ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF which is a chapter combined by few universities. However, he claimed himself to be an ordinary shepherd. Obviously, he is suspected of telling lies publicly. Furthermore, he also said that he would like to promote to a senior shepherd. Does he think that being the ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF is not enough? Does he even have a greater ambition to pursue further promotion?

Summary of case 1:  As the ancestor of faith of Hong Kong UBF, he was actually giving false speech, leading to the questioning about his integrity. As a faith ancestor and messenger of UBF, he did not set a good example of speaking honestly. Will he bring bad influence of releasing false speech publicly to UBF’s shepherds, brothers and sisters?

Case 2 (Shep. “Wanna Buy House”, sheep of Shep. Tang XX, claimed,  “I have freedom to travel and my life in UBF-Hong Kong is very free. If being Shepherds are so busy, I think I have already left UBF.”

(Remarks: Shepherd “Wanna Buy House” once wanted to buy a house but his ideas was rejected and judged by missionary.)

During the KimChi Talk, Shep. “Wanna Buy House” claimed that his life was very free in UBF. He could even go traveling and buy T-shirt, etc. However, his statement was misleading. Since according to the message of Shep. TangXX, “Traveling” is worldly (or an example of the easy-going life). Let’s see below the UBF-HK’s faith ancestor TangXX’s teaching (Message of Chapter III in UBF-HK). In his message, he pointed out “traveling” is a “wide gate”, that leads to destruction:

"But for the wide doors, it is no need to invite others or to send invitation card. Everyday there are people forming teams to enter. They might form teams like “Tour group”, “Food group”, “Shopping group”… to rush into the wide gate. Therefore, although behind the wide gate are “Comfort Station”, “Pleasure Station”, “Vanity station”, ”Crime Station”, but …the terminus is “Perish”…So what is the actual difference between “narrow gate” and “wide gate”? “Wide gate” means “having a free (easy-going) life”. People do not need hard-working or struggling spiritually but they can still enter the wide gate. Behind the wide gate, people can enjoy comfort and lust. Therefore, choosing “wide gate” is a natural practice. On the way of wide road, people can meet many friends and they would not feel lonely.” (source: message of Chapter III, 21/9/2008, Mat 7:13-29)

Indeed, Shep. “Wanna Buy House” shared sogam in the message of 2011 HK SBC. He mentioned that his coworker cannot pass the “language benchmark test” for three years, so she was requested to repent.

“…but I work with computer everyday, so I don’t know how to love the others. Last year, my coworker (wife) could neither find any sheep nor any job. She also failed to pass the “language benchmark test” in the past three years. She was not only discouraged, but also looked down by others. Those who did not understand her, just asked her to repent, but did not realize that she was one who also need to be shepherding. I felt her frustration. I encouraged her that God can easily give you a job.” (14/8/2011, message of HK SBC, John 21:1-17)

Summary of case 2:  From the above message and sogam, we can see that shep.Tang XX’s sheep, “Shep. Wanna Buy House”, cannot live freely in the real world as he said. His wife was requested to repent and lacked of being shepherded. If he follows the teaching of TangXX, it is impossible for him to travel. Therefore, his speech was misleading or untrue. It is presumptuous for him to speak such misleading or untrue speech. Is it inherited from TangXX?

Case 3  (A CUHK Shepherdess, Shep. G, claimed, “I was not arranged marriage in UBF”)

During KimChi Talk, Dr Cheung Teng asked if UBF will arrange marriage and asked the UBF shepherds whether they were arranged marriage in UBF or not, and asked them to answer one by one. At that time, all shepherds kept silent, including the faith ancestor shep. TangXX. Nobody answered. However, Shep. G stood up suddenly and took herself as an example. She told that she had a boyfriend before, and later they got married in UBF, instead of being  “arranged marriage”. Although she was telling something true, she hided the fact that 90% of the shepherds are arranged married in UBF – Hong Kong. Her marriage is just a rare example in UBF. Although she did not tell lie, such speech is misleading people to think that brothers and sister have freedom to date with someone and choose to marry in UBF-Hong Kong.

Summary of case 3: Shepherdess G took herself as an example, so that people think that not all shepherds are arranged to marry in UBF. However, she did not honestly point out the fact that 90% of the marriages of shepherds are “arranged marriages”. This practice was misleading, confusing the public and resulted of losing her integrity.

The aftermath of KimChi Talk

Recently, a former UBF member shared with me honestly the follows:

Since his shepherd often told him that the speech on web are false, it is difficult for him to distinguish whether they are true or false, as a result, he hesitated and stayed in UBF for a period. However, “KimChi Talk” helped trigger his decision to leave UBF because he personally saw that UBF shepherds was lying, hiding the facts, misleading and confusing the public. The missionaries (as leaders) were hiding behind in the Q&A session of KimChi Talk. These triggered him to question the integrity of the UBF missionaries and shepherds. Finally, he realized that the speech on web is mostly with evident to support. He had reflections after “KimChi Talk” and he finally made decision to leave UBF-Hong Kong. He left UBF because he heard the voice of UBF shepherds (especially those with ancestor class), and that helped trigger his decision to leave UBF.

I believe those shepherds, including Shep. Tang XX, Shep. G and Shep. “Wanna buy house”, are victims indeed. They are kind-hearted. They thought that they could stand out as the shields for the missionaries which caused this exposure of their speech suspected of lying and misleading.

I hope those missionaries, as leaders, do not use the poor local shepherds to become their shields. So that they could be leaders who walk in front of the sheep bravely to face and address the issue of UBF’s manipulation, dictatorship and lies, etc.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44) This key verse is often used by UBF shepherds for teaching the sheep. Hope that each time when they teach the sheep this key verse, they could also reflect on it.



泡菜講座中的失實言論 (17 May 2012)

發表發表於: 05-16-2012 22:36    文章主題: 泡菜講座中的失實言論

brother_2008 寫到:


據聞今次觸發那團契成員離開的導火線,是由於泡菜講座裏 Q&A 的環節中,幾位UBF核心牧者的言論有說謊、失實和誤導之嫌,令那團契的羔羊質疑牧者們的誠信,及覺得UBF是一所有問題的教會,而最終決定離開。



在泡菜講座Q&A 的尾段時,一位UBF董事級牧者,站起來「笑口噬噬」地否認自己是高級牧者,只是個「一般牧者」,甚至說自己也希望一天有機會可以升做「高級牧者」,然而,這位牧者在教會中的位置及真正身份究竟是甚麼呢?以下是摘自UBF官方網站的內容:

“Shepherd Hayes Tang reported on Hong Kong Mission,and shared his life testimony. He became a born again Christian through one to one Bible study during his school days, and then he became an ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF …”
(source: http://www.ubf.org/content/america-visit-report-moody-park)

根據UBF的官方網站,這位牧者是香港UBF的「信心祖宗」(又稱為信心祖宗亞伯拉罕),在UBF裏每所大學都只有一位信心祖宗,而信心祖宗的地位崇高,是僅次於宣教士的,而Hayes Tang牧者不單止是一所大學的祖宗,更是Hong Kong UBF的信心祖宗,但他卻稱自己為一般牧者,這明顯有公開說謊之嫌,而且,他還想升做高級牧者,莫非他覺得自己只是Hong Kong UBF的信心祖宗還不夠麼?還想升職麼?

小結: 身為Hong Kong UBF的信心祖宗,竟然公開地說失實的言論,令人質疑其誠信,他身為信息僕人,沒有以身作則地說誠實話,會否將隨便公開講失實言論的壞影響力帶給Hong Kong UBF的牧者和弟兄姊妹呢?


「想買樓牧者」在講座中站出來說自己在UBF裏十分自由,還可以去旅行、買T-shirt等。他的言論有誤導之嫌,因為按UBF的教導去旅行是世俗的,以下是他的牧者UBF - Hong Kong「信心祖宗」所領導的三部崇拜的主日信息,指出去旅行是進闊門,而最終是要滅亡:

「但對於闊門,不需要邀請人或邀請卡,也每天有人,甚至組隊地進入;好像旅行團、美食團、優惠搶購團,紛紛地進入闊門所以雖然闊門之後有舒服站、享樂站、虛榮站、犯罪站,但總站是滅亡那麼,闊門和窄門實際上指著甚麼呢? 闊門指著自由自在的生活:人不需要努力, 不需要屬靈掙扎都可以進入闊門。闊門後有安逸和情慾可以享受。選擇闊門是自然不過的事,在那寬敞的路上人可以遇見不同的朋友, 一點也不孤單。」 (摘自2008921(部信息), 馬太福音 7:13-29)


……可是我每天對著電腦多過對人,我不懂得去愛人。同工(即他的妻子)遇上過去一年,都找不到羔羊、找不到工作、考了三年也不能通過語文基準,灰心之餘更被人看少。唔明白她的人,只會叫她悔改,卻不知她也需要牧養。我感受到她的無奈,鼓勵她話 神要賜下一份工作給妳,是好容易的事情…… (14/8/2011夏令營信息,約21:1-17)









Prayer for Hong Kong UBF (13 May 2012)

Posted on 05/12/20125:53 pm, by briank 

Today I received the following email from a former Hong Kong UBF member. With her permission, I share the unedited email. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Hong Kong UBF who are experiencing painful division. The main reason is the same as in other UBF chapters: a constant demand by leaders for sheep to submit to their authority, in the name of “keeping spiritual order” and honoring the UBF spiritual heritage above human relationships. As I wrote earlier in November 2011, this problem has been ongoing in Hong Kong UBF.

1 Corinthians 12:26-27 “26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.  27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

On 12.05.2012 00:37, Exodus Ubf wrote:

Dear Brain,
Thank you for your support and encouragement on your blog. I am glad to be your friend too.

We just heard a news that one house church (Shep Paul Liu & Shep Rebekah) and their fellowship members have all left HK UBF last week. Rebekah is the greatest disciple of Msn Angela Kim (other than Shep Maria and her coworker Shep Hayes Tang) and Her fellowship once was the biggest family (around 10-20 members) in HKUBF. Actually Shep. Paul Liu once was the ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF and he is one of the messengers of SWS (Chapter II) in HKUBF. However, Msn Angela Kim suddenly raised up Shep Hayes Tang as the Abraham of Faith to replace his position. Here is his testimony:

“Shepherd Hayes Tang reported on Hong Kong Mission,and shared his life testimony. He became a born again Christian through one to one Bible study during his school days, and then he became an ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF …”

Last week, Shep Rebekah leave UBF together with her fellowship members. We don’t know the details for the cause of their leaving, exactly numbers of exodus and their future plans. However, one brother told us that she might be blamed by Msn Angela Kim. Actually, we know that Shep Rebekah has long been discredited by Msn Angela Kim because she had her own thinking, did not listen to her words and obey her absolutely.

Indeed, it is because Shep Rebekah loves the sheep so much, and she doesn’t want to use the UBF method of dictatorship and manipulation to serve God’s sheep.

We tell her that some pastors who are familiar with the operation of UBF are very willing to have Bible study or counselling supports to them if they need. And we will remember them in our prayer.

Thank you for your continuous concern about UBF – Hong Kong. May God bless you and you family.

In Christ,
HK Exodus


睇d野宣教士點解不叫佢同工去”執執個look”,而只叫弟兄姊妹呢? (11 May 2012)

English: http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-21-nov-2011.html
(Why don’t “Watching something missionary” request his/her coworker to do make-up, rather than requesting the bros. & sis.?  (11 May 2012)  )

本人記得睇d野宣教士曾多次講過:如果姊妹愛主的話,她的臉就會發光,而無需用SK-II 一類的化妝品,那麼,睇d野宣教士是否暗示班姊妹不愛主而需要去化妝呢?如果係咁,鐵甲和魔鬼天使去化妝,係咪表示佢地不愛主、臉不發光呢? 





"睇d野"宣教士莫視弟兄姊妹的健康,吩咐弟兄姊妹要效法鐵甲 (9 May 2012)

English:  http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-21-nov-2011.html
("Watching something” missionary ignored the health of bros. & sis., and commanded bros. and sis. to follow the example of "armor" (10 May 2012)

發表於: 05-08-2012 9:10    文章主題: Re: 論基督徒的自由

ffgh 寫到:






宣教士又不是神,佢怎知道鐵甲牧者竭力服侍的動機呢? 或許佢是因爭競嫉妒,或追求人的榮耀呢?(註:曾經一段時間,鐵甲牧者為到與兩位高級姊妹牧者(不過其中一位後來出國了,而一位仍在)爭競的罪惡,而公開分享悔改的所感,宣教士又怎能排除佢是因爭競嫉妒或人的榮耀,而竭力服侍的可能呢?而且出於這些動機的服侍也不能榮耀神。)





UBF的所謂「屬靈遺產」究竟是甚麼?用途是甚麼?(8 May 2012)



Brian您好,感謝您的文章。在香港UBF,我們有的版本是八點UBF屬靈遺產的那一版本,而每個信心家庭也有一幅印有Samuel Lee的肖像及八點屬靈遺產,並掛在每個信心家庭的家中,屬靈遺產八點如下: 

1. 歸向聖經 (Go Back to the Bible) 
2. 通過平信徒宣教士遵行世界宣教使命 (World mission through lay missionaries) 
3. 通過1:1查經成就校園福音化 Campus evangelism through one-to-one Bible study 

4. 通過家庭教會持守馬糟事工 (Manger ministry through house churches) 
5. 興起門徒事工 (Disciple-making ministry) 
6. 天糧與所感撰寫 (Daily bread and testinony writing) 
7. “五餅二魚的施與精神 (Giving spirit-“five loaves and two fish”) 
8. 為了成為祭司的國度和聖潔的國民而禱告 (Pray to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation) 


「然而,過去50年在UBF裏的聖靈工作,並非出於Dr Samuel LeeMother Barry的想法。」 

事實上,這些屬靈遺產(或屬靈術語)只是口號,例如,以往韓國Director常常強調「香港成為中國十三億同胞的宣教基地(Power Station)」,甚至聲稱要差派一百萬宣教士到中國大陸。然而,你可以猜猜從HKUBF差遺了多少位中國內地的宣教士呢?答案是:在過去的26年裡,根本一個也沒有。 

UBF中有很多「屬靈術語」。他們常用自己的語言,令你彷如一個大學新生正在上某語言的課堂。大約有100或更多的屬靈術語,是UBF的領袖經常強調的。這些所謂屬靈術語,從來都很少在文字上被記錄下來及被定義。然而,UBF重新定義這些術語和在任何時間按他們的需要而運用,而且有時,不同的領袖會就這些術語有不同的解釋。我擔保你會在UBF的所謂屬靈術語中,找到很多甚麼「精神」和 甚麼「XXX主義」(如人本主義,享樂主義等)而發笑。 

那麼,這些所謂的「屬靈術語」的用途究竟是甚麼呢?根據Steven Hassan,異端或類似異端組織會常用術語(loaded language),特點是「終止思想的陳詞濫調」,來進行思想控制。這些「特殊」的字眼用作收窄人的理解,而不是擴展理解。(來源:http://www.freedomofmind.com/Info/BITE/bitemodel.php),他們喜歡用自己的語言和術語,並如有需要便引用它們(來控制別人)。 

我認為, UBF領袖應上的第一課,就是應學習首先放棄使用這些術語及放棄控制弟兄姐妹,但他們會否願意承認自己實在控制別人及採用術語呢?由於他們必須持守創辦人的「古人的遺傳」,因此這解釋了為何UBF實在很難去改變,及為何他們在過去50年裏改革了許多許多次,但最終也是「換湯不換藥」。


哥林多稅務局向哥林多信徒派「綠色炸彈」 (5 May 2012)




不過,幸好哥林多教會有鐵甲排骨,因為鐵甲排骨即使無淡好食也十分好戰,因此,只要哥林多宣教士繼續高舉鐵甲排骨,向其他無淡好食的哥林多信徒話:「你們來看,鐵甲排骨無淡好食都出去勤力打獵,仲打到十二隻綿羊,你們要乖乖向佢多多學習啊!」那時,哥林多信徒只好個個 O嘴」了! 



UBF天糧又一驚典「講一套、做一套」的例子 (4 May 2012)

English: http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-21-nov-2011.html
(One more excellent example of UBF "say one thing and do another" practice (4 May 2012)

「以色列與 神的特別關係是一個難以想像的特權。祂的子民被給予極大的自由。他們不用過著作君奴隸的生活。」 
(摘自 UBF 天糧,利7:22-384/5/2012 

1. UBF
信徒其實不想自費參加國際靈修營,卻因鐵甲牧者即使無錢也問阿爸借錢參加,而令 UBF 信徒受極大壓力,不得不節衣縮食也要自費參加; 
2. UBF
信徒被人要求服事多多、由朝做到晚,又要向宣教士報告服侍情況及人數,經常害怕團契人數比人小、做得不夠好或是要被 UBF 宣教士利用信息、天糧來影射及批評,時常被恐懼捆綁; 
3. UBF
4. UBF
5. UBF
6. UBF
7. UBF
8. UBF
信徒若不聽 UBF 宣教士的說話,隨時被安排與 UBF 難頂的高級牧者查經; 
UBF 羔羊成長到一段時間, UBF 宣教士便會走過來,說某某羔羊以後跟佢查經(其實則係要果子-你的羊) 
10. UBF
11. UBF
12. UBF
13. UBF
宣教士唔需要處理教會嚴重的核心問題(操控、獨裁、財政…),你若因這些問題不滿, UBF 宣教士就會說這些是埋怨、是罪,而你就要寫所感去悔改這不感謝的罪惡。 

Q1: 究竟 UBF 信徒的生活,是否如天糧所說可享受那極大的自由,還是活在作君奴隸的生活呢?
宣教士向 UBF 信徒定的界線,為何明顯沒按聖經教導,嚴重地踩過界呢?