
About us / 關於我們

我們是一群脫離大學生研經宣教會(UBF)的得勝者,當中包括港大、中大及其他大學院校的牧者和弟兄姊妹,我們盼望這網能幫助在受操控底下的 UBF 的弟兄姊妹,可以在基督裏得著自由和救恩,阿們。 歡迎弟兄姊妹提供有關見證,若弟兄姊妹需要有關的支援,可聯絡 ubf.exodus@gmail.com

We are a group of victors who have escaped from UBF's manipulation. Our members include shepherds, brothers and sisters of HKU, CUHK and other universities. We hope this website could help brothers and sisters free from UBF's spiritual abuse. May God bless them to have freedom and salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.  For enquiries, please email  ubf.exodus@gmail.com. Welcome to support us with articles, testimonies or information about UBF.

