香港 UBF 醫生牧者十二奉獻
(HK UBF medical shepherds offer two tenths income)
(HK UBF medical shepherds offer two tenths income)
While most churches are in suffer of struggling to serve the poor, according to ECFA, the current net worth of US UBF (HQ) is USD $12,896,882. It is not yet included those of the Korea HQ and all chapters round the world. (note: The total global UBF members are about 10,000.) (source:
According to the website “priestlynation” in US, what will UBF use it for? (
1. Airfare of missionaries;
2. Medical expenses of missionaries;
3. Insurance of missionaries;
4. To build magnificent Centre in Korea;
5. Other non-transparent expenditure.
CUHK missionary are very proud of the HK UBF medical shepherds who offers two tenths income, "Three medical doctor shepherds were established. They offer offerings sacrificially offering two tenths of their income. "
Once HKU missionary praised HK shepherds publicly, "Even though HK is a small city rather than a country, but HK Centre's offering to US HQ ranks no. 3 among all countries. The amount is even more than the sum of the all chapters in one country." She was so proud of HK shepherds' offerings.
According to the cult expert, these are common means used by the cults. They usually use appreciation, lies or glory to the shepherds so that they continue their crazy offering.
Most UBF missionaries like to quote Mat 6:19-21, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." to teach sheeps not to buy flats, but to live in manger spirit (actually poor lives.) Even though they are very poor, they still have to offer a lot of money to the church.
Why do the missionaries teach the sheeps not store up their treasures on earth, but they store up a lot of net worth on earth? Why do the missionaries say one thing and do another?
全球正統教會都因服事貧窮人仕/基層市民,而經常面臨財赤,卻仍爭扎著在不信的人群中,為基督留下美好見證之時,UBF 的財政儲備情況如何呢?根據美國 ECFA 福音教派財務責信組織,單單在美國 UBF (HQ) 總部的財政儲備已到達 USD $12,896,882,仍未計算韓國總部的財政儲備和全球每個 chapter 的財政儲備。(註:全球 UBF 信徒大約只有 10,000 人,但美國總部的儲備卻已維持這數目。)(詳見
根據美國 priestlynation 網站, UBF 奉獻的金錢運用如下 :(
UBF 奉獻的金錢運用:
三)宣教士的保險費(例如:壞車後 Claim 錢維修);
四)在韓國興建華麗的 Centre 教會
以下是香港 UBF 中大宣教士,今年公開高度表揚 UBF 的醫生牧者 "十二奉獻"的報告部分內容:
”Three medical doctor shepherds were established. They offer offerings sacrificially offering two tenths of their income.” (網址:
其實 UBF 教會中,也有不少人十二奉獻,但中大宣教士特別讚揚醫生牧者的十二奉獻,或許是由於醫生牧者的十二奉獻,數額較高吧!!
據 新興教派研究中心異端專家李錦彬牧師稱,這是韓國異端常用的一種攬財手段,以讚賞方式或謊言,將榮耀歸給奉獻的人,引發他們繼續瘋狂地奉獻,甚至以奉獻的 數額和比例,引發信徒之間的爭競,通常奉獻多的牧者,會有強烈的自豪感,或會被委以重任(例如:成為信息僕人),令他們感到自己的重要性,而他們為了繼續 維持這種被教會重視的感覺(即感到自己的重要性和存在意義),便會持續地作出巨額奉獻,卻不理會或過問所付出的奉獻的用途,卻完全違背聖經對奉獻的真正意 義。奇怪的是,曾有牧者希望奉獻給真正有需要的人,而把十一奉獻捐給慈善機構,卻受 UBF 宣教士/牧者指摘。
UBF 宣教士/牧者常引用經文,教導信徒”不要為自己積儹財寶在地上,地上有蟲子咬,能鏽壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷。只要積儹財寶在天上,天上沒有蟲子咬,不能鏽壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。因為你的財寶在那裡,你的心也在那裡。”(太 6:19-21) 又叫D信徒唔好買樓,要過地上客旅寄居的生活,令到 D 弟兄姊妹為了大量奉獻,而節衣縮食,甚至有高級牧者經常問家人借錢,卻欠債不還,令家人對基督教信仰反感。