
泡菜講座中的失實言論 (17 May 2012)

brother_2008 寫到:


據聞今次觸發那團契成員離開的導火線,是由於泡菜講座裏 Q&A 的環節中,幾位UBF核心牧者的言論有說謊、失實和誤導之嫌,令那團契的羔羊質疑牧者們的誠信,及覺得UBF是一所有問題的教會,而最終決定離開。


在泡菜講座Q&A 的尾段時,一位UBF董事級牧者,站起來「笑口噬噬」地否認自己是高級牧者,只是個「一般牧者」,甚至說自己也希望一天有機會可以升做「高級牧者」,然而,這位牧者在教會中的位置及真正身份究竟是甚麼呢?以下是摘自UBF官方網站的內容:

“Shepherd Hayes Tang reported on Hong Kong Mission,and shared his life testimony. He became a born again Christian through one to one Bible study during his school days, and then he became an ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF …”
(source: http://www.ubf.org/content/america-visit-report-moody-park)

根據UBF的官方網站,這位牧者是香港UBF的「信心祖宗」(又稱為信心祖宗亞伯拉罕),在UBF裏每所大學都只有一位信心祖宗,而信心祖宗的地位崇高,是僅次於宣教士的,而Hayes Tang牧者不單止是一所大學的祖宗,更是Hong Kong UBF的信心祖宗,但他卻稱自己為一般牧者,這明顯有公開說謊之嫌,而且,他還想升做高級牧者,莫非他覺得自己只是Hong Kong UBF的信心祖宗還不夠麼?還想升職麼?

小結: 身為Hong Kong UBF的信心祖宗,竟然公開地說失實的言論,令人質疑其誠信,他身為信息僕人,沒有以身作則地說誠實話,會否將隨便公開講失實言論的壞影響力帶給Hong Kong UBF的牧者和弟兄姊妹呢?

「想買樓牧者」在講座中站出來說自己在UBF裏十分自由,還可以去旅行、買T-shirt等。他的言論有誤導之嫌,因為按UBF的教導去旅行是世俗的,以下是他的牧者UBF - Hong Kong「信心祖宗」所領導的三部崇拜的主日信息,指出去旅行是進闊門,而最終是要滅亡:

「但對於闊門,不需要邀請人或邀請卡,也每天有人,甚至組隊地進入;好像旅行團、美食團、優惠搶購團,紛紛地進入闊門所以雖然闊門之後有舒服站、享樂站、虛榮站、犯罪站,但總站是滅亡那麼,闊門和窄門實際上指著甚麼呢闊門指著自由自在的生活:人不需要努力, 不需要屬靈掙扎都可以進入闊門。闊門後有安逸和情慾可以享受。選擇闊門是自然不過的事,在那寬敞的路上人可以遇見不同的朋友, 一點也不孤單。」 (摘自2008921(部信息), 馬太福音 7:13-29)


……可是我每天對著電腦多過對人,我不懂得去愛人。同工(即他的妻子)遇上過去一年,都找不到羔羊、找不到工作、考了三年也不能通過語文基準,灰心之餘更被人看少。唔明白她的人,只會叫她悔改,卻不知她也需要牧養。我感受到她的無奈,鼓勵她話 神要賜下一份工作給妳,是好容易的事情…… (14/8/2011夏令營信息,約21:1-17)









UBF 宣教士否定人自由自在地去旅行 (28 May 2012)

林XX牧者曾公開在約一百人的場合中(泡菜講座),聲稱自己在UBF裏能自由自在地去旅行,然而他能自由自在去旅行這一行為,卻在泡菜講座後的數星期,被UBF宣教士所主導的 II 部崇拜信息中公開被否定,被視為世俗宴樂的荊棘,內容如下: 
1. 試想想林XX牧者多番聽到自己認為是正常的行為和活動,例如:想買樓、自由自在地去旅行,卻被自己所支持的宣教士公開否定,內心會是何等矛盾呢?究竟他是否應該繼續支持多番否定他行為的宣教士呢? 



4. 究竟UBF是否真的准許牧者們自由自在地去旅行呢?而自由自在去旅行為何不被接受為正常活動,反而被指為「世界的享樂」和「宴樂的荊棘」呢? 

5. 根據以上信息,UBF裏跟從耶穌的門徒需要一生受苦和勞碌奔波,連自由自在去旅行的空間也不容許,其實UBF這類的生活教導有無問題呢?


做信心祖宗要有肩膀,做宣教士要有腰骨麼? (26 May 2012)


UBF 裏有很多牧者都是教師,其中不乏通識科老師,不如大家一齊看看以下短片,上一堂通識: 

1. 究竟牧者們(特別信心祖宗鄧牧者)有否混餚視聽呢? 

2. 在泡菜講座這件事上,宣教士/祖宗有沒有一力承擔後果呢? 

3. 祖宗有沒有肩膀?宣教士又有無腰骨呢? 

4. 集體混餚視聽的言論,究竟是誰一手造成呢? 

5. 泡菜講座後,為何內部出現"金生大地震"呢? 

6. 宣教士有否卸膊呢?牧者們又有否揹鑊呢? 

7. 宣教士有否利用牧者們作擋箭牌呢?

Source: http://www.armbell.com/liberalhk/viewtopic.php?t=4894&start=105&mforum=liberalhk


睇d野宣教士點解不叫佢同工去”執執個look”,而只叫弟兄姊妹呢? (11 May 2012)

English: http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-21-nov-2011.html
(Why don’t “Watching something missionary” request his/her coworker to do make-up, rather than requesting the bros. & sis.?  (11 May 2012)  )

本人記得睇d野宣教士曾多次講過:如果姊妹愛主的話,她的臉就會發光,而無需用SK-II 一類的化妝品,那麼,睇d野宣教士是否暗示班姊妹不愛主而需要去化妝呢?如果係咁,鐵甲和魔鬼天使去化妝,係咪表示佢地不愛主、臉不發光呢? 



"睇d野"宣教士莫視弟兄姊妹的健康,吩咐弟兄姊妹要效法鐵甲 (9 May 2012)

English:  http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-21-nov-2011.html
("Watching something” missionary ignored the health of bros. & sis., and commanded bros. and sis. to follow the example of "armor" (10 May 2012)

發表於: 05-08-2012 9:10    文章主題: Re: 論基督徒的自由

ffgh 寫到:







哥林多宣教士的所感-伸出泡菜之手來 (24 Apr 2012)

English:  http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-21-nov-2011.html
(A Corinth missionary’s sogam - stretched out the hands of kimchi (24 Apr 2012) )

Part I. 我咁耐以黎都無伸出我既手 
耶穌吩咐我們在眾人面前伸出手來,也就是在聖徒的聚會中,帶著對主信心的醫治,把個人羞恥罪的問題帶到光明之中,讓主來醫治和潔淨。實際上例如通過所感的分享中,我們能把枯乾的右手伸出來讓主醫治。」 (摘自UBF III 部崇拜信息, 22/4, 路加福音 6:1-19) 


「我問你們,在安息日行善行惡,救命害命,哪樣是可以的呢?耶穌這樣的問題核心是,究竟行善和救命重要,或是遵守安息日不做工重要。 神喜悅人在日常生活中行善和救命,聖經裏稱這樣的人為義人和敬畏 神的,例如舊約裏的約伯。怎麼猶太人把 神喜悅人追求的美善,卻在安息日裏顛倒視為不正確、不合法呢?把黑的說為白,把白的說為黑。」 (摘自UBF III 部崇拜信息, 22/4, 路加福音 6:1-19) 

Part II. 對唔住,我唔係乜野屬靈父母,只係個煮有毒泡菜既高手 
「藉著福音,保羅成為哥林多信徒的屬靈父親。」 (摘自UBF 天糧, 23/4, 哥林多後書12:11-21) 
Part III. 希望你地唔好再學我既泡菜神功! 
哥林多教會有很多問題,保羅盼望他們在他來之前悔改。」 (摘自UBF 天糧, 23/4, 哥林多後書 12:11-21) 
哥林多宣教士最擅長揮灑出「推、側、閃、避、卸」等泡菜神功,而哥林多長老們因長期被哥林多宣教士推卸責任給他們,以致他們在遇到問題時,也會條件反射地把責任推在個別人仕和受害者身上,或是把所有問題都歸到是某某的罪,以為只要悔改了一些罪,所有問題就會解決了,如此頭腦簡單地去分析問題,不但會重覆陷在惡性循環中,更令哥林多信徒結出不負責任的果子,把不負責任的practice傳遞下去,例如:無論發生咩醜事,他們總係話:呢個只係個別事件,只要悔改,所有問題就會解決!他們重覆又重覆地這樣說,個腦好似被人洗左咁;讀完哥林多大學,但連基本既common sense都無埋,十分可憐! 
保羅……也沒有在傳道後便離開,而是留下去愛和服侍他們。」 (摘自UBF 天糧, 23/4, 哥林多後書 12:11-21) 


UBF 醫生成員 36 小時 on call 後直上港大傳福音!

看了這位現 UBF 成員的個人看法後,我驚訝那位醫生曾在講道中,見證自己 36 小時 on call 之後直接上港大傳福音。一般正常的教會或信徒的家人,肯定反對一個信徒在連續工作 36 小時後,仍立即出去傳福音,這是極之傷害信徒的身體和精神的行為。但據這位現 UBF成員稱,教會和許多牧者均認為這位醫生的行為,是愛主的表現,而這位醫生也以此為自豪,並公開作見證。為免攪出人命,希望UBF 能認真思考和看待幾個問題:

1.     教會/牧者怎能如此罔顧信徒的身體和精神的需要,為了令信徒甘願為教會”賣命地”服事,而高調地稱讚這種罔顧自己性命的信徒,這種手段令更多信徒為了得到這種榮耀感和稱讚,而甘願罔顧性命地傳道和查經,是合乎聖經嗎?

2.     本人亦曾聽聞鐵甲牧者為了服事廿幾對查經,甚至沒有時間吃飯,那時教會不但沒有教導佢要按時飲食,反而高調稱讚佢這樣服事後,身體反而更加強壯;而中大宣教士就曾高調讚賞佢,更叫中大姊妹要效法佢,即使不吃飯,也要效法佢竭力服事羔羊。試問若鐵甲牧者或效法佢的牧者,若為了傳道或查經而不吃飯,結果導致傳道中暈倒或因此而患病,是誰需要負上這責任呢?

3.     ”耶路撒冷的眾女子啊,我指著羚羊或田野的母鹿囑咐你們:不要驚動、不要叫醒我所親愛的,等他自己情願(不要叫醒……情願:或譯不要激動愛情,等他自發)。”(雅歌2:7)聖經教導信徒服事是出於自發地愛主,但教會竟然用高調讚賞和給予榮耀感,來引發信徒為教會”賣命”,以這樣的手段使信徒罔顧一切地服事,實際上是引導信徒帶著一個不正確的動機去事奉,這是否合乎聖經的教導呢?


UBF 宣教士/領袖的教導,會否導致牧者違法呢?

  1. 宣教士教導牧者,為了絕對出席聚會,而犧牲家庭兒女(把家庭兒女交托給神),甚至不惜獨留子女在家,令牧者們可能引致違犯香港法例"獨留子女在家",這是否合符聖經的教導呢?
  2. UBF無教導信徒要按正常的香港法律程序,舉行一個具法律效力的婚禮,例如:要在政府註冊的場地及牧師來主持婚禮,而UBF卻曾多次出現一個嚴重的情況:在父母不知情下,在教會裏私下舉行婚禮,然後自行安排到婚姻註冊處註冊。無信仰的人或會這樣行,但作為教會,這樣教導信徒,是否正確的呢?

Will UBF’s teaching violate HK’s law? (Translated from the above text)

In Hong Kong, the general house church’s parents need to attend all meetings and Bible Camps. Their children, aged below 12, are not allowed to appear in the meetings. Therefore, the missionaries/leaders will ask parent shepherds to pay for employing domestic helper to take care their children. So, the parent shepherds are free to attend meetings and serve sheep after working. Once, a pair of HKU parent shepherds, without domestic helper but were requested to attend all meetings, always placed their young children alone at home (without adult accompanied) to have dinner and sleep at night. Under the law of HK, such neglecting children’s behaviour might be illegal and could be very dangerous. They might be charged for child abuse.
1. HK UBF missionaries teach Shepherds to sacrifice their families and children (entrust the families and children to God). Some shepherds even leave their young children alone at home in order to attend meetings absolutely. This behaviour may possibly violates HK laws “Leave young children alone at home”. Does it comply with Biblical teaching?
2. UBF missionaries doesn’t teach believers to held a legal wedding ceremony by legal proceedure. E.g. With HK Government registered venue and pastor. They always had a serious problem: The parents don’t know that their children was married privately in UBF. The married couple registered marriage by themselves afterwards. The unbelievers may marry by this method but as a Church, is this teaching combined with Biblical Principles?
Summary: According to HK cult experts, cults usually have poor moral conduct, e.g. David’s tribe and YD will teach believers to lie for God’s ministry. UBF will also teach believers to lie, not follow the normal law or even possibly violate HK Law for the sake of UBF ministry. You can see their ethical behaviour (the fruits) to recognize them.
 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. (Matthew 7:15-20)


香港 UBF 醫生牧者十二奉獻

全球正統教會都因服事貧窮人仕/基層市民,而經常面臨財赤,卻仍爭扎著在不信的人群中,為基督留下美好見證之時,UBF 的財政儲備情況如何呢?根據美國 ECFA 福音教派財務責信組織,單單在美國 UBF (HQ) 總部的財政儲備已到達 USD $12,896,882,仍未計算韓國總部的財政儲備和全球每個chapter的財政儲備。(註:全球 UBF 信徒大約只有一萬人,但美國總部的儲備卻已維持這數目。)(詳見 http://www.ecfa.org/ComparativeFinancialData.aspx?ID=20401&Type=Member%EF%BC%89

根據美國 priestlynation 網站,UBF 攬財後的金錢運用如下:(http://www.priestlynation.com/archives/446)

三)宣教士的保險費(例如:壞車後 Claim 錢維修);
四)在韓國興建華麗的 Centre 教會

以下是香港 UBF 中大宣教士,今年公開高度表揚 UBF 的醫生牧者 "十二奉獻"的報告部分內容: 

Three medical doctor shepherds were established. They offer offerings sacrificially offering two tenths of their income.” (網址: http://downeyubf.com/2011/01/27/asian-directors-conference-2011/

其實 UBF 教會中,也有不少人十二奉獻,但中大宣教士特別讚揚醫生牧者的十二奉獻,或許是由於醫生牧者的十二奉獻,數額較高吧!!


據新興教派研究中心異端專家李錦彬牧師稱,這是韓國異端常用的一種攬財手段,以讚賞方式或謊言,將榮耀歸給奉獻的人,引發他們繼續瘋狂地奉獻,甚至以奉獻的數額和比例,引發信徒之間的爭競,通常奉獻多的牧者,會有強烈的自豪感,或會被委以重任(例如:成為信息僕人),令他們感到自己的重要性,而他們為了繼續維持這種被教會重視的感覺(即感到自己的重要性和存在意義),便會持續地作出巨額奉獻,卻不理會或過問所付出的奉獻的用途,卻完全違背聖經對奉獻的真正意義。奇怪的是,曾有牧者希望奉獻給真正有需要的人,而把十一奉獻捐給慈善機構,卻受 UBF 宣教士/牧者指摘。

UBF 宣教士/牧者常引用經文,教導信徒”不要為自己積儹財寶在地上,地上有蟲子咬,能鏽壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷。只要積儹財寶在天上,天上沒有蟲子咬,不能鏽壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。因為你的財寶在那裡,你的心也在那裡。”(太 6:19-21) 又叫D信徒唔好買樓,要過地上客旅寄居的生活,令到 弟兄姊妹為了大量奉獻,而節衣縮食,甚至有高級牧者經常問家人借錢,卻欠債不還,令家人對基督教信仰反感。

為何 UBF 宣教士/牧者講一套做一套,為宣教士積攢大量儲備在地上呢?

(HK UBF medical shepherds offer two tenths income)  (Translated from the above text)

Description:   While most churches are in suffer of struggling to serve the poor, the current net worth of US UBF (HQ) is USD $12,896,882. (note: It is not yet included those of the Korea HQ and all chapters round the world). According to the website "priestlynation" in US, what will UBF use it for? (http://www.priestlynation.com/archives/446)

1.   Airfare of missionaries;
2.   Medical expenses of missionaries;
3.  Insurance of missionaries;
4.  To build magnificent Centre in Korea;
5.  Other non-transparent expenditure.

CUHK missionary are very proud of the HK UBF medical shepherds who offers two tenths income, "Three medical doctor shepherds were established. They offer offerings sacrificially offering two tenths of their income. "
source: http://downeyubf.com/2011/01/27/asian-directors-conference-2011/

Once HKU missionary praised HK shepherds publicly, "Even though HK is a small city rather than a country, but HK Centre's offering to US HQ ranks no. 3 among all countries. The amount is even more than the sum of the all chapters in one country." She was so proud of HK shepherds' offerings.

According to the cult expert, these are common means used by the cults. They usually use appreciation, lies or glory to the shepherds so that they continue their crazy offering.

Most UBF missionaries like to quote Mat 6:19-21, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." to teach sheeps not to buy flats, but to live in manger spirit (actually poor lives.)  Even though they are very poor, they still have to offer a lot of money to the church.

Why do the missionaries teach the sheeps not store up their treasures on earth, but they store up a lot of net worth on earth?  Why do the missionaries say one thing and do another?


UBF 報喜不報憂 (只讚美神,莫視分裂)  (4 Dec 2011)

(source: http://www.priestlynation.com/archives/689)


Praise God, Ignore Division

Posted by briank
Things that disturb me about UBF: a tendency to rewrite history to be only positive; a tendency to focus on individual and communal praise of God while ignoring the reality of painful divisions and disunity.
A recent report on the history of Asia pioneering is a clear example of what I’m talking about. Here is an excerpt for the positive-only UBF report:
“She offered her five loaves and two fish for HK pioneering mission. As a result, HK UBF has grown rapidly by raising 6 native Sunday messengers and more than 115 Sunday worshipers. Now 5 chapters are having worship service independently and 6 Korean missionaries are co-working together. We thank and praise God for using M. Angela so preciously as a mother of prayer for HK campus souls.” (source)
However, in spite of the rosy picture painted by the UBF report, the reality is very different from their perception. Clearly there has been an ongoing exodus of leaders in Hong Kong UBF. The report also includes glorious-sounding words about India UBF, completely glossing over the exodus of leaders that happened there recently.
The UBF reporter and those who posted the report and those who approved the report all know about the painful reality going on for more than a decade in Hong Kong. Yet the UBF report focuses on the sacrificial life of one missionary and ignores the division completely, just as the majority of UBF leaders continue to ignore any differing opinions regarding their ministry methods and beliefs. I pray that UBF leaders will face the facts and begin to report honestly and factually.
Praise God and ignore division? Serve God and forget about your neighbor? Sacrifice your life and mitigate the mercy of God? I don’t think so. Abraham repented of doing such things, and was blessed for it. We dare not talk about faith and serving God and obeying Christ if we cannot face the facts of our reality. How can I claim to know God if I do not attempt reconciliation, love my neighbor and fall at the mercy of God? We are in danger of becoming mystical fools if we do not face the facts of our situation.
“Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead–since he was about a hundred years old–and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.”Romans 4:19 (NIV84)


2 Responses to “Praise God, Ignore Division”

  1. The same “praise God, ignore division” attitude happened in the US recently too:
  2. We agreed that the UBF reporter and those who posted the report and those who approved the report all know about the painful reality going on for more than a decade in Hong Kong. Yet the UBF report reported the good news but not the bad, such as the left of the HK Director last year (2010), lots of shepherds and whole fellowship disappear suddenly during the past 10 years. However, no one reported it. (Note: Most missionaries and leaders bring shame on the former UBF members while they are praising God of the growth in HKUBF on the other hand.)
    Here are more examples of “reporting the good news but not the bad” in HKUBF:
    1. While the leaders praised the growth in HKUBF, they ignored the very serious power struggle problems between former HK Director, CUHK and HKU missionary (actually as well as the shepherds). HKU missionary always defied the former HK Director publicly during the GBS. Once the Director mentioned in his Sunday message that the Yonhee Director Shep D. Kim had weakened his authority in HKUBF by diving HKUBF into three chapters in 2005. At that time, he was suffered from depression. He was suffered a lot and could not sleep at night.
    2. Once CUHK missionary praised publicly that HK UBF medical shepherds who offers two tenths income, “Three medical doctor shepherds were established. They offer offerings sacrificially offering two tenths of their income. ” (source:http://downeyubf.com/2011/01/27/asian-directors-conference-2011/)
    HKU missionary also praised HK shepherds publicly, “Even though HK is a small city rather than a country, but HK Centre’s offering to US HQ ranks no. 3 among all countries. The amount is even more than the sum of the all chapters in one country.” She was so proud of HK shepherds’ offerings. However, they ignored the reality that the shepherds are struggling to offer a lot of money to the church and they must live in poor on the earth. Some PhD. shepherds even proud of absolutely attending the Perdue University SBC by borrowing a lot of money from their parents to buy the air-tickets. Many shepherds need to borrow money from the bank in order to give marriage offerings to UBF (One month salary and offering to Director, shepherds, ……) While they praised the offerings of HK shepherds publicly, they ignore the reality that the current net worth of UBF is USD $12,896,882. While the missionaries teach the shepherds not store up their treasures on earth and not allowing them to buy their own flats, they store up a lot of net worth on earth for the missionaries and built magnificent Centres in Korea.
    It is puzzling to brothers and sisters why do UBF always praise God while ignoring the reality of painful divisions and disunity? According to the cult expert, “Only good and proper thoughts are encouraged”, “Need for obedience and dependency”, “No critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy seen as legitimate”, are THOUGHT CONTROL and BEHAVIOR CONTROL which are the characteristics of a cult.
    In HKUBF, all brothers and sisters are not allowed to criticize the church policy or the missionaries. For those would be judged by the missionaries and leaders such as “lack of faith”, “human thoughts”, “disobedience”, “proud”, etc. during GBS or even in the Sunday message. However, those who pretend to report good news would be gloried or praised publicly or raising them as messageners or team leaders. In this way, they can easily manipulate the followers.
    In conclusion, “Praise God, Ignore Division” attitude happened in HK UBF too. These are THOUGHT CONTROL and BEHAVIOR CONTROL which are the characteristics of a cult. It is very clear that it is not because of Korean culture, but spiritual abuse. Even we are asians, we cannot accept the spiritual abuse. Hope this information can help the brothers and sisters to know the reality about HKUBF which is always praised by the Korean Director and other missionaries all over the world.

UBF 中大領袖-吳牧者的罪惡必須受正視  (15 Nov, 2011)
UBF CUHK leader - Shep. Wu's Evil must be faced squarely (A CUHK alumni was spiritual abused by her shep.)

Description: A CUHK alumni was a sick person. Her mother bowed down before Shep Wu and begged for her permission of her daughter to return home. However, shep Wu said that she was demon possessed and insisted her to live in "tent" so that she can help her by driven out the demons.


註冊時間: 2011-09-01
文章: 62
發表發表於: 11-10-2011 21:31    文章主題: UBF 中大領袖-吳牧者的罪惡必須受正視引言回覆

中大校友 寫到:



試問 UBF 裏的教師牧者,會否在學校裏教導學生,只需聽從老師或傳道人的說話,而不必聽從父母的說話呢?聽聞 UBF 有教師牧者,被所任教的基督教學校拒絕他任教宗教科,會否因為 UBF 的教導有問題呢?如果 UBF 的教師牧者,將如此錯誤、違反社會人倫的道德觀教導學生,我想那位教師牧者必定會被學校 ”炒魷魚”。試問 UBF 的牧者,怎能夠教導羔羊和學生這些黑暗、唔見得光,並違返社會人倫既 UBF 教導呢?

其實這樣的事已經發生無數次,據新興教派研究中心羅錫為牧師稱,大約在 2006 年,一位中大學生的母親,曾因為女兒返了 UBF 後,性情大變,只聽從吳牧者的說話,卻不肯聽從她母親的說話,而堅持住帳棚,以致那位母親向警方報警,及向羅錫為牧師求助。

據羅錫為牧師稱,大約 2008 年,也有港大學生的父母,因他們的女兒返了 UBF,而不聽從她父母的勸阻,堅持要離開家人、搬進帳棚與姊妹同住,而向羅錫為牧師求助。據羅錫為牧師稱,自從新興教派研究中心成立以來,一直有不少 UBF 成員的家長和大學生,向他投訴和舉報UBF 的操控行為,並向他求助。 UBF 宣教士/牧者這種違反聖經真理、社會人倫的教導,有別於正統教會,也是 UBF 被指為是異端(cult)的原因之一。

中大校友 寫到:
回顧那段在 UBF 的日子,印象中只是常常都要為罪悔改,每日都要悔改很多罪,但悔改完之後,又會重覆犯那些罪,好似永無止境地悔改,但又永遠無法達到 UBF 所講的標準,特別係 UBF 有關指婚的教導和認為拍拖是犯罪的教導,我覺得很難接受,因為當時我剛剛和一位男同學拍拖,吳牧者對有關婚姻和拍拖的教導,令我有很大的罪惡感,好像是若果我揀選了男朋友,就等於撇棄了神,我亦因為帶著這個思想,使我即使離開了 UBF ,也有一段很長的時間,都有強烈的罪惡感,而不敢返其他教會。

UBF 宣教士/牧者自定一個高不可攀的聖潔水平,根本是一個正常人無可能達到的水平,例如:要無情慾的思想、無愛世界的思想、從清早到晚上都服事神、如同天使般聖潔……。在如此高的聖潔水平下,宣教士/牧者便可任意指摘羔羊的罪,例如:責備羔羊有情慾的罪(上網睇 D野)、驕傲的心思(不接受牧者教導)、愛世界的心思(想買樓)、埋怨不感謝的罪(黑口黑面對住人)……令羔羊時刻活在強烈的罪咎感中,每天都要為自己大小的罪悔改,更甚的是,牧者會以經文恐嚇羔羊,例如:不聽從牧者,便會受神咒咀,或離開 UBF 會落地獄等,令羔羊在不敢反抗(無得say)之下,受嚴重的精神虐待和操控;有不少宣教士/牧者曾在信息和所感中,分享自己患上抑鬱症和強迫性焦慮症,也有信息僕人曾發生行為失衡和異常。



許多 UBF 牧者為要達到那種聖潔、無罪的狀態,只能如同修道士般,帶著禁慾主義、苦行、時刻查經祈禱、每天寫悔改的所感,來脫離現實世界,過著避世的生活。所以,一些會考六優、一級榮譽、博士、碩士畢業生,都在現實的世界裏,經常被”老細”責備、炒魷魚、不被續約等等,而虧缺神的榮耀和羞辱基督徒的名,雖不斷傳福音,卻因他們敗壞的見證,而絆倒許多本來想信主的人,令他們對基督教反感,就正如他們努力傳福音帶一個人信主,卻絆倒五個本來想信主的人。許多異端教會似乎大有熱心地帶人信主,但就是如此絆倒人和破壞神的工作。

source: http://www.armbell.com/liberalhk/viewtopic.php?t=4894&start=60&mforum=liberalhk

一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(書信)
Letter of complain - a CUHK sister was abused spiritually by shep. XX Y

Description: A sister's son was hospitalized due to illness (got fever), she then send SMS to her shepherdess XXY and told her that she could not attend GBS that evening. However, shep XXY criticized and condemned her publicly. Later on, this sister send this complaining letter to many UBF shepherds.



註冊時間: 2011-09-19文章: 7
發表於: 10-19-2011 19:49    文章主題一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(書信)

主題:一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(書信) 
一位姊妹牧者曾因受到中大 X X Y 牧者極大的精神虐待,並在無力反抗之下,寫了一封投訴信電郵給很多位 UBF 牧者,以公開 X X Y 牧者的罪惡。因此, 許多 UBF 牧者也收到這封電郵。
事緣是那位姊妹牧者的兒子因病而入院,她於是 SMS  X X Y 牧者,告訴她,自己未能於當晚出席查經聚會,但卻因此受到XX Y 牧者的嚴厲指摘和公開定罪。
信件標題:My Appeal to X X Y


你罵我話星期五晚上七時是姊妹牧者 GBS 的時間,而我卻在六時五十多分才 send SMS 給你,告訴你「我兒子入了醫院,我不能來」是完全沒有打算與你有商量的餘地,又罵我竟然只用 SMS 通知你。 唔該你醒醒!是誰最喜歡用 SMS send message 給同工們和羔羊們的呢? 眾同工們都知道與其留言或要打好幾次先找到你的話,send SMS 是找你這大忙人最方便的方法!  6:5X 分才 send SMS 給你??! 那麼,我建議你 換電話、轉台、以後再也不用SMS,並叫所有同工及羔羊不要再用 SMS 找你、唔該你向當事人先問清楚才罵人。 我當日是下午 4:39 send SMS 給你 (有手電記錄為証),這是沒有與你有商量的餘地嗎? 我更是後來才知道你原來當日中午已遇見同工得知兒子入院的事。在我立場來說,你既中午已得知此事,我下午也 send message 給你,你不但一個電話也沒有打來慰問我,更在差不多七時的時候才來電,然後,第一句「開場白」:「你的兒子現在點樣?」,第二句「正題」連個 tone 都轉埋:「可否現在叫工人來看著,你來查經?」究竟是誰沒有商量的餘地要我第一時間行動!我若有心不容有商量的餘地,你的來電我一個也不會接聽的!

你罵我話「請個工人番黎做乜!做皇帝坐係你帳棚牙!你們就做工人牙!」 我先不說在兒子入院的事上她要作的。就憑你這句話,我知肯定不是只因當日的這「一」件事才下的 comment  根本你之前也先入為主覺得我的工人冇乜野做、懶,我也曾從某些同工口中聽過你對我工人的這類 comment 我以為只有我那些不信的同事才會作這些無聊、膚淺的見解。同事們都覺得我只一個兒子,又番全日制(有托兒成份)的學校,根本不用請工人,浪費!可是,同工們該明白,我不用多說。全間大學的信心家庭中的確只有我請「一」個工人照顧「一」個上「全日班」的兒子,的確,她會比較少野做,我也要承受工人可能慣左而會懶惰了的風險! 牧者阿,我沒有你那麼好。 神祝福你生完一個又一個,有幾個可愛的兒女,又有一個凌亂到頗另人刮目的帳棚,做得你的工人既,她一定不可能做「皇帝」。 但我沒有特別的惡待工人也沒有特別的寬待她! 我冇咁多時間刻意找 D 無謂野叫她做到一整日「冇時停」。 她做到我的要求,我就 OKpass 若神憐憫我可以生第二個,她的工作量自然會增加,她那時若已經慣性懶惰了,我會責備她,她若不改善我便炒了她。
至於兒子入院的事上,星期五因兒子都算係叫做剛入院,病情反覆,他可以由正常体溫下,在半小時至一小時內升到 104.x 度,而且我也奇怪原來醫院內姑娘是唔多理,要大人自己摸直到發現小朋友好似有發燒,才叫姑娘 check 体溫才餵藥。 我初初試過摸到有一點發熱時姑娘來量度都話是剛「踏界」未算發燒不給藥,但是不出 45 分鐘便已高燒,整日反覆便是如此。我覺得我未掌握到兒子發燒的 pattern ,所以我星期五那天我沒有叫工人來。 我認為工人的層次只能去到我給予 instruction 而她跟著做的地步,我未能期望工人可以曉得按情況作相應的反應。所以,你責備我與同工倆輪流「捕」係醫院,工人好似皇帝咁坐係帳棚,恕我不能認同! 至於你話查經那三小時,叫工人看照著有何不可?是的。 我認同是可以的。 但也承認那日我的確有為兒子的病擔心和慌張的時候。 或許牧者你經驗豐富,對你來說小朋友發燒是平常不過的事。 牧者阿,我卻只是個「新丁」! 正如之前提及,我的確未能在 近七時 你才來電的一句話以後可以在咁短時間裡立刻掙扎到!!
到第二日星期六,我已經較清楚兒子發燒的 pattern ,我當然一早就帶工人去看照著他,告知她要點做、當注意些什麼。 然後我與同工也各自要回大學查經,我也表明查完經後會回到某醫院的圖書館寫所感直到關門。工人有事可以隨時 call 我上來。 她那天是一整天都在醫院照顧兒子的! 當然,你有你的自由發表你的 comment ,但我也有我使用我的工人的原則和程序。你在聘用工人上經驗較我豐富,你的意見我或許會想想。但,你憑什麼以「你請個工人番黎做乜!做皇帝坐係你帳棚牙!你們就做工人牙!」的話來罵我? 你憑什麼!

你罵我是在想「你不配作我牧者?」??! 我那敢這麼想!若不是你服侍我查經,我那有今日得救恩、蒙神各樣的祝福和恩典! 不提其他大學,單單看這大學眾姊妹牧者中,有多少是你一手栽培成為充滿牧者心腸、開拓團契的牧者? 你倒不如坦白說實話,在你眾多興起的姊妹牧者中,我最冇資格作你的羊吧! 我不是最軟弱、最冇果子、最叫你頂我唔順的嗎? 你心裡其實不想再服侍我,是不是? 我不介意你如此想。 但,請你不要誣蔑我認為你不配作我牧者!!!

你除了那一個來電之外,連向我了解一下也沒有,一切留待主日清早所感分享時發癲一樣破口大罵我,難道我不明白你的居心(動機)嗎? 發洩你的憤恨殺一儆百。 你看不見在坐的 YYY 牧者  ZZZ牧者也只能低頭聽你如機關槍般罵我嗎? 這不是達到了你的目的了嗎? 倒不如你直接一點,加埋句「你們看到了沒有? ZZZ 牧者,你也不可對你兒子如此行。 YYY 牧者,將來你有你的兒女,你也不要重蹈這姊妹牧者覆徹!絕不能缺席我帶領的 GBS!」 牧者阿,我想這還是不夠的,我不介意你擺我上抬做「砲灰」,不如待姊妹牧者星期三晚禱告會時再來一次吧! 這樣,「殺一儆百」的果效才做得夠徹底阿! 所以,我也先讓姊妹牧者們知道我的回應與不滿。

對於你其他的指責,我沒有什麼回應。 你話我這樣以兒子、家庭為中心會累死同工(她的丈夫)同工是好有 potential、好寶貴的神的僕人,他的一切我要負責我只能話我的確未能幫他離開他焦慮的問題,他的確好寶貴、好有 potential…是我未夠班、不配作他的同工。 你也話我要改善我的「血氣」性格,我也無話可說,因為以上都是我在極受傷及血氣的內心下向你所作出的回應。只此而已!

一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(後感 part 1) 

Letter of complain - a CUHK sister was abused spiritually by shep. XX Y  (Comment)

Comment: Obviously, this sister was spiritually abuse by her shepherd XXY. Here are shep. XXY's evils:
1.  Abuse of authority to accuse others
2. Even though her son was hospitalized, her shep. still asked her to attend GBS absolutely. (This is "behavior control". See "the definition of control", by cult expert Steven Hassan)
3.  Seriously interfere with individuals and families (This is "behavior control".)
4.  Public condemnation, to "kill one police hundred" (This is "emotional control". To make you feel fear and guilt.)
5.  Cult of personality. (Leaders are respected as saints such that the sheeps need to obey them absolutely.)
6.  Shep. XXY blamed the husband's problem on his wife's sins. (This is "emotional control", so that you blame lots of problems on yourself and as a result under a great pressure.)



註冊時間: 2011-09-19文章: 7
發表於: 10-19-2011 19:53    文章主題一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(後感 part

標題:一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(後感 part 1
本人看完這封信後,對受害人感表同情,同時,對操控她的 X X Y 牧者感到義憤,希望藉著公開她的罪惡,令身為中大領袖的 XX Y 牧者的罪惡受正視。另一方面,希望令那些仍受到精神虐待和操控的弟兄姊妹,意識到其實你們受痛苦,並不是因為你們罪的問題,乃是領袖的操控和精神虐待的罪惡沒有被正視,因此你們不必常常悔改和要在強烈罪咎感中生活。
以下是X X Y 牧者的罪惡:

X X Y 
牧者指摘那姊妹牧者,只以 SMS 通知不參加查經是不負責任的,應該以電話詢問,這顯出 X X Y 牧者站在高高在上的位置,不能出席聚會,要事先得她的批准,否則就不能缺席。

即使兒子入了醫院,也要求牧者絕對出席查經聚會 (這屬行為操控的一種,詳見 Steve Hassan 對操控的定義)
X X Y 
牧者認為她應該把醫院中的兒子交付工人,然後絕對地出席查經聚會,其實佢個仔入左醫院已經好痛苦,佢不單止無施與援助,還公開指摘她,顯出 XX Y 牧者對她亳無憐憫。

X X Y 

X X Y 
牧者於翌日的所感分享會中,在其他牧者面前,公開指摘她沒有絕對地出席查經聚會,那牧者認為XX Y 牧者的動機,是為了殺一警百,讓你好驚和有強烈罪咎感,這種行為是完全不顧羔羊感受,完全不是作為一個牧者的所為!

個人崇拜(把領袖高舉到如同聖人般,叫人不敢違抗命令):雖然那姊妹牧者受到 X X Y 牧者的精神虐待,但仍對 X X Y 牧者非常景仰,認為她十分偉大。這奇怪的現象,會否由於 XX Y 牧者平日經常把自己神聖化,或刻意抬舉自己到一個十分崇高的位置,以致無人敢提出她操控和精神虐待人的罪。即使偶然有牧者提出,也十分恐懼和有強烈罪咎感,如同這位姊妹牧者,內心十分矛盾,一方面感受到 XX Y 牧者精神虐待她,另一方面又稱讚 XX Y 牧者十分偉大。

X X Y 
牧者指摘她丈夫屬靈軟弱,是由於她不信的罪,以家庭和兒子為中心的罪。事實上,承擔家庭和照顧患病的兒子是合情合理,又何罪之有呢?而她丈夫屬靈軟弱又關佢咩事呢?X X Y 牧者仗著神的名,胡亂定人的罪,身為中大領袖,咁既行為十分可恥!

Bosophie 替 X X Y 辯護  (Bosophie defended for Shep X X Y) 


註冊時間: 2011-10-20
文章: 1
發表發表於: 10-20-2011 11:11    文章主題: 一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Y 牧者的操控和精神虐待(唔係呀話!!)引言回覆


我想說「我」就是那個電郵內容的作者,也知道你在這裏用不同身份寫野寫到真係...我都唔知點講,純粹是我的個人感覺...因為我寫野冇你咁「勁」,感覺就好似我見到我囝囝因為想逃避溫書,一拿起本書就話好累想睡,我就叫他「忍耐一下吧,過了明天默書就好了!」,比「隔離屋」聽見,這位「隔離屋」就在屋村裏貼哂大字報、登埋報紙,大大隻標題:「阿媽精神操控、虐待七歲兒子無得睡覺!」...「唔比睡覺?!怪獸母親!兒子毫無反抗下只能默言受虐」...「可憐兒子...現代K型母親?!」...那位母親只能 Shocked

既然我是這電郵的作者,就請你按我的要求刪除你QUOTE的電郵吧!雖然最後做唔做都是你的自由,因為我說的話又沒有什麼法律效力,但現在我想講的,就是這電郵內容根本完全不是你所interpret的意思,可以話完全是「斷章」、「亂咁取義」...見到之前有些人反駁你(不知反駁你那一個化名的),都比你插到死(純粹個人感覺)。我就不會再怎樣詳細解釋你如何「斷章」、如何「亂取義」、我其實是在說什麼...反正你又只會無止境地繼續插下去。就算我是此電郵的作者,根本原意不是這樣...但死的都可以比你講番生...我都怕了你。我只能如前段講的那母親一樣Shocked Shocked


Littlesheep 促請 Bosophie 勿替 X X Y 頂罪
 (Littleshep urged Bosophie to stop Scapegoating XXY's evils)


註冊時間: 2011-09-19
文章: 8
發表發表於: 10-20-2011 19:08    文章主題: Re: 一個姊妹牧者受中大 X X Ying 牧者的操控和精神虐待(唔係呀�引言回覆

相信 UBF 的羔羊和弟兄姊妹,對於中大領袖的罪惡,是十分關注,因為其他羔羊根本無任何途徑可以知道教會內幕事情的真相,因為 UBF 內所有的資訊都是封鎖,例如:UBF 總部轉了 Director ,牧者也不知,HK Centre 的 Director 上年八月離開 UBF,完全沒有人知道,也沒有人交待他離開的原因,只是把離開的人抹黑為有人際問題,或是愛世界,或是怨恨等......,但是奇怪的是從來無一人告訴我,是因為 UBF 教會的問題和領導人的問題,而令人離開。


1)信中的內容是否屬實?XX Ying 牧者是否如信中所講這樣對待過你呢?
2)在信中,”罵”字出現八次,究竟XX Ying 牧者當時有沒有如你信中這樣罵過你、家人和工人呢?她是怎樣罵你呢?
3)為何你說XXYing 牧者擺你上抬做「砲灰」、想殺一儆百呢?是甚麼意思呢?她平時也會用這樣的手段,在眾人面前公開指摘牧者嗎?
4)為何XXYing 牧者說,若你這樣以兒子、家庭為中心,便會累死同工呢?是否照顧有病的兒子,會令丈夫信心軟弱呢?
6)你說不如待姊妹牧者星期三晚禱告會時再來一次吧…所以,你也先讓姊妹牧者們知道你的回應與不滿,是否你預料到XXYing 牧者星期三晚禱告會,會再公開指摘你呢?
7)是否XXYing 牧者平時也要求,所有牧者要絕對出席聚會呢?包括紅白二事呢?因為我聽聞XXYing 牧者連自己阿媽過身,也不去醫院見最後一面,而要絕對地出席小組查經,這是否屬實呢?

我思想我們教會的問題,的而且確我們教會的領袖真是做了許多唔見得光的事,而又沒有人知,因為往往有很多好心的牧者,出來幫他們做 "擋射牌",而甘願犧牲自己,將所有問題,自己攬晒上身,說是因為自己做錯了而受牧者指摘,其實成封信都看不見這牧者有任何犯錯,反而,照顧醫院中的兒子是負責任的行為,明明是 XX Ying 牧者無理取鬧,若是我的話,我絕不會幫她 ”頂晒D罪”。聖經都教導我們要行公義、好憐憫和誠實,若果受害者將所有的罪攬晒上身,只會助長教會的領袖,繼續不負責任、不需要站出來認罪和向受害人道歉,仍然在教會高高在上,繼續定罪、論斷別人、無理取鬧,最終叫更多羔羊受害。

這間教會的領袖,真的很不負責任,羔羊厚著面皮,站出來幫 D 領袖”頂罪”,領袖就裝作毫不知情(例如:說自己不上網,或是不知道有這樣的事),躲在後面” 睇 Show”,這根本不是一個領袖或牧者應有的態度!

希望施虐者能站出來,為自己的所作所為和所犯的罪負責,向受害者公開道歉、承認自己的罪惡、並能如 Eloihk 牧者般負責任、引咎請辭。



其實這位牧者的遭遇只是冰山一角,有多少白白受了許多冤屈的受害人,由於太多已經無法估計了。因此,我謹在此呼籲 UBF 的人挺身站出來,為你們的羔羊、家人、兒女、所愛的人著想,勇敢指證 UBF 領袖的罪惡! 

Littlesheep 促請 X X Y 公開澄清有關信件的指控
 (Littleshep urged XXY to clarify accusation of letter publicly)


註冊時間: 2011-09-19
文章: 8
發表發表於: 10-21-2011 12:16    文章主題:引言回覆

很欣賞 eloihk 負責任的行為,出來公開澄清。但願施虛者能效法 eloihk 的負責任行為,並出來回應以下問題,才有客觀的事實,能成為理性討論的基礎,否則可能都是非理性的證明,(亦促請有關牧者勿再幫高層領袖”頂罪”,讓給施虐者一個機會,能正視自己的行為及言論,難道她不需要負任何責任嗎?這又是理性的嗎?):

1)信來容是否屬實?XX Ying 牧者是否如信中所講這樣對待過你呢?
2)在信中,”罵”字出現八次,究竟XX Ying 牧者當時有沒有如你信中這樣罵過你、家人和工人呢?她是怎樣罵你呢?
3)為何你說XXYing 牧者擺你上抬做「砲灰」、想殺一儆百呢?是甚麼意思呢?她平時也會用這樣的手段,在眾人面前公開指摘牧者嗎?
4)為何XXYing 牧者說,若你這樣以兒子、家庭為中心,便會累死同工呢?是否照顧有病的兒子,會令丈夫信心軟弱呢?
6)你說不如待姊妹牧者星期三晚禱告會時再來一次吧…所以,你也先讓姊妹牧者們知道你的回應與不滿,是否你預料到XXYing 牧者星期三晚禱告會,會再公開指摘你呢?
7)是否XXYing 牧者平時也要求,所有牧者要絕對出席聚會呢?包括紅白二事呢?因為我聽聞XXYing 牧者連自己阿媽過身,也不去醫院見最後一面,而要絕對地出席小組查經,這是否屬實呢?

其實,信中內容很明顯看見受害人被操控的特徵,並非阿媽教仔咁簡單(咁既講法才是斷章取義),而是好像一宗虐兒案件,受害人投訴無門,惟有 email 給眾多牧者向自己牧者提出抗議,請再詳細閱讀信件內容的上下文,不難發現信中的虐待特徵,受害人是持久地各方面受精神虐待!


P.S. 請 Eloihk 在神面前遵守承諾,如實的「引咎消失」吧!不要再後加甚麼言論了,否則,只不過又一次說謊吧!難免被公眾人仕以為 UBF 的牧者(or 弟兄稱呼)是狡猾和詭辯的,不守承諾的!謝謝!

另外,本人現在正是直接促請 XX Ying 站出來公開回答及解釋自己的所作所為,是就說是,不是就說不是,不要躲在後面 "睇 Show",然後等D羔羊逐個出來幫她掩飾罪惡!

中大領袖 X X Y 的罪惡必須受正視 
(CUHK leader XXY's evils must be faced squarely)


註冊時間: 2011-09-19
文章: 8
發表發表於: 10-25-2011 23:09    文章主題: 宣教士和領袖的罪惡必須受正視引言回覆


我也求主憐憫我能如聖經所說:生氣卻不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落。惟本人在 UBF 裏,遇到實在太多不公義、甚至是邪惡的事,而在 UBF 裏面的人卻完全蒙在鼓裏,加上教會禁止信徒討論和封鎖資訊,不單於此,他們反而以為自己是主的門徒和屬靈精兵,又不時稱其他教會的人是世俗信徒,或人本主義的基督徒,而自視甚高,我看見這一切,實在感到義憤,但同時我感到神不斷引導和支持我,去弄清楚究竟 UBF 是否如羅錫為牧師、李錦彬牧師等所說:UBF 只有表面、外在的信條,卻存在著教會實際操作上,嚴重偏離聖經的教導,因此我有必要指出 UBF 很多嚴重的問題,和宣教士及領袖操控人、精神虐待人、高壓、獨裁、說謊、論斷……各種邪惡行為,向所有 UBF 所有弟兄姊妹公開,使他們不要因在封閉的教會裏,只懂不斷感謝牧者和教會,卻就教會和領袖的罪惡,被蒙在鼓裏。

事實上,直到現在, UBF 領袖一直無正視自己這一切的問題、視之為嚴重的罪惡,而加以糾正,相反,卻在實際操作上,扭曲真理到一個地步:以”有無出席聚會”、”有無寫所感”、”有無住帳棚”、”有無絕對順從牧者的吩咐”等,為嚴重的問題,若沒有做便要受公開定罪;而這樣偏離真理的教導,是從宣教士和領袖開始。



我有很大的反思:一個國家的領導人,雖然犯了羞恥的罪惡,而想隱藏或掩飾,但連一個非基督徒-喬布斯,尚且懂得叫領袖若果真的犯錯,需要向全國坦白,而非設法隱瞞自己的罪行;而UBF的宣教士和領袖,雖然犯下嚴重的罪惡:操控、獨裁、攬權、定罪、精神虐待信徒、說謊等,這完全不是聖經的教訓,這些行為甚至比許多非基督徒更加邪惡,但他們卻不需要為自己這些罪惡和過犯,而付上任何責任。他們要求羔羊每星期公開寫一篇悔改的所感,顯露自己的罪惡,但他們犯下這樣明顯和嚴重的罪惡,卻不需要作任何交待,例如:好像信件中的UBF中大領袖XX Ying牧者,已經犯下無數次類似的邪惡行為,只是偶然一次被一位受害人公開她的罪惡,但她也可以不負責任地,不需要作任何解釋、交待、公開道歉、或引咎辭職,只是享受作領袖的權威,受羔羊的尊敬,這樣不需負責任的領袖,在一個先進的國家、社會、機構裏,是無可能發生的,更何況是一個自稱為基督徒的群體裏,屬靈領袖不是更應坦白認罪、承擔後果,即使非基督徒的喬布斯也向克林頓提出,領袖需要向公眾坦承。作為一個屬靈領袖,負責任是必須具備的應有條件,即使要付任何代價,也要向公眾坦白認罪、解釋和交待!這才是真正屬靈領袖的應有行為!

為何 UBF 宣教士和領袖,可以有特權,不需為自己的罪惡負責任呢? 


(HKU missionary's evil must be faced squarely)

Description: A messenger  of HKU shared that his wife could not find a job and felt discouraged. However, she was judged by other coworkers. This post is telling the truth that the origin of judging others is from HKU missionary. HKU missionary had judged this messenger who wanted to buy a flat to be "loving the world so much", as well as judging his wife by praying for his wife to repent "loving the world".



註冊時間: 2011-09-10文章: 2
發表發表於: 10-18-2011 23:15    文章主題港大宣教士的罪惡必須受正視!



可是我每天對著電腦多過對人,我不懂得去愛人。同工(即他的妻子)遇上過去一年,都找不到羔羊、找不到工作、考了三年也不能通過語文基準,灰心之餘更被人看少。唔明白她的人,只會叫她悔改,卻不知她也需要牧養。我感受到她的無奈,鼓勵她話 神要賜下一份工作給妳,是好容易的事情……” (14/8/2011夏令營信息,約21:1-17)

另外,這位宣教士又多次在查經中,說這位信息僕人想買樓,是不應該的,而被佢阻止,佢仲話:因為我地要過地上客旅寄居的生活,不應把金錢投資在世界,而應該把物質、金錢投資在神的國,所以不應該買樓。(唔怪得知成間 UBF 都無一個牧者買樓啦!)

1.論斷和叫人悔改既教導,其實是從呢位宣教士開始既,其他牧者只是跟從佢而咁樣做。本人也多次聽見,每當有人遇到考試失敗、患病或失業,這位宣教士便會為佢悔改罪惡而祈禱,其實宣教士這種因果報應的思想好嚴重,根本不是聖經的教導。這位宣教士還有很多歪理,例如:要過客旅寄居的生活,盼望神的國就不可以買樓(事實上,全香港正常的教會,都唔會教訓人唔好買樓,最多都係叫人唔好買六合彩或炒股票,但佢一聲令下,竟然成間 UBF無一個牧者敢買樓!)。如果港大宣教士這些歪理的問題不被正視的話,全部牧者也會跟佢以因果報應的思想,來論斷人及叫人悔改,咁咪集體犯罪?
5.港大宣教士的罪惡,例如:論斷人的罪(事實上,她還經常在查經中,抹黑及論斷已離開的前香港 UBF Director及中大宣教士和牧者);以因果報應的思想,叫人悔改的罪;亂咁話人愛世界的罪;以甜言蜜語哄羔羊順從結婚的罪(詳見前文);定下操控制度的罪;叫人唔好買樓既歪理等等。身為教會最高領袖,佢既問題必須要受正視!


"Grap sheep event" between HK missionaries



註冊時間: 2011-09-01文章: 7
發表於: 10-13-2011 14:21    文章主題: Mrs. Ma 牧者的身世之迷

可是,有一日,港大宣教士查經時,講到葡萄園園戶的比喻,突然憂愁的說: 中大的宣教士/牧者趁佢有病入院,不在港大的那段日子,拿著禮物到佢母親的家,探訪Director 宣教士,並以甜言蜜語請求他,運用 Director 的權柄,把 Mrs. Ma 牧者從港大掉回中大,佢母親聽到後,十分驚訝和感嘆。但無奈,從那時起,Mrs. Ma 牧者便返回中大服事。
港大宣教士還激動地說: Mrs. Ma牧者本來已經離開了 UBF,返回世界去,整個中大都沒有牧者可以服侍到他,唯獨佢辛苦、忍耐地,尋找並引領栽培他,重新堅立他成為港大開托團契的牧者。但中大宣教士/牧者見他重新堅立後,便趁佢不在港大時,將他奪去,令港大團契的羔羊,因突然失去團契牧者而徬徨,甚至有港大牧者因不知所措而流淚。
她強調: 中大是佢辛苦開托的葡萄園,佢才是園主,但當佢離開一段日子時,中大宣教士/牧者便以為中大葡萄園是屬於他們的,任何有關中大的事也不和佢商量,就私下決定,甚致奪去佢所栽培既葡萄樹和牧者,如同葡萄園的惡園戶一樣。
那一刻,我才知道,原來所謂既 “屬靈父母” ,平日表現得如此聖潔及滿有牧者心腸,竟然搶奪羔羊到,連白己既牧者都唔放過!原來在港大宣教士眼中,他們只是惡園戶。他們口口聲聲稱自己為屬靈父母,叫人敬重和絕對順從他們,但他們卻如此對待自己的屬靈母親,真是講一套、做一套。不過,回想起來,港大宣教士咁樣解釋聖經,又真係好有問題。 


(CUHK missionary who could not attend morning prayer meeting was told to take off his pants publicly)



註冊時間: 2011-09-01文章: 7
發表發表於: 10-15-2011 22:48    文章主題中大宣教士不清早禱告,要當眾脫下褲子


曾經一段時間,有很多中大牧者都不能 5:45 am 起來清早禱告,那時,中大宣教士忽然公開講述,他曾經在韓國無清早禱告的後果,內容如下:

有次清早,弟兄因為太過疲倦,而成個弟兄帳棚D弟兄,都無起黎清早禱告,點知,韓國 Director 牧者同成班弟兄姊妹牧者,一齊闖進弟兄帳棚,並吩咐所有弟兄立時起來,當眾脫褲更衣,然後一齊出去清早禱告,於是,中大宣教士便當著眾弟兄姊妹面前脫褲更衣了。"
那次,我聽完佢既分享之後,心裏面好驚,覺得韓國的 Director 牧者用咁既手段迫人清早禱告,真係無賴,同時,我亦都好怕自己如果不能清早禱告的話,就會受到同樣的遭遇,要當眾脫褲更衣。其實,如果根據香港既法律,這個韓國 Director 牧者既做法,已經算係性侵犯既一種,可能要坐監。中大宣教士平時咁敬重呢位虐待佢既韓國 Director 牧者,我當時好驚佢都會學呢位韓國 Director 牧者既性侵犯和虐待行為,而心裏面一直好驚。


(Missionary tell lies and sweet words to persuade sheeps to accept for marry assignment)


註冊時間: 2011-09-01文章: 7
發表發表於: 10-09-2011 1:38    文章主題宣教士以甜言蜜語和謊言哄羔羊順從配婚

  幾年前,一位宣教士叫本人吩咐羔羊,叫他與一位不認識的,而且比他大五年的國內姊妹結婚。當時本人認為這是難以接受的事,便向那位宣教士提出說:似乎有點勉強,羔羊未必肯答應。不過,當時那位宣教士回應說:你去告訴他,韓國的 Director 牧者和佢(那宣教士),已經為他們倆人的婚姻禱告了半年,並清楚知道這是神的旨意。於是我便這樣告訴羔羊,那羔羊相信宣教士既然咁肯定係神的旨意,便答應了和大他五年的內地姊妹結婚。但兩星期後,那位宣教士突然對本人說:你去叫羔羊與另一位牧者結婚。本人感到難以順從,便說:他剛剛才爭扎迎接與內地姊妹結婚為神的旨意,但咁快又話要佢同另一個姊妹結婚是神的旨意,我怕羔羊會覺得,點解為他建立信心家庭咁兒戲呢!乜可以咁樣變來變去麼?乜唔係已經為他們倆人結婚而禱告了半年,清楚知道是神旨意麼?於是那宣教士就吩咐我要這樣對他說:其實韓國的 Director 牧者和佢,一直都為到他與那內地姊妹 或是 另一位姊妹牧者結婚而禱告了半年,但最終都係覺得另一位姊妹牧者比較適合。又示意我要用甜言蜜語,向羔羊講多些那姊妹牧者的優點,好讓他答應結婚。


註冊時間: 2011-07-09文章: 6
發表發表於: 10-10-2011 12:33    文章主題: Re: 宣教士以甜言蜜語和謊言哄羔羊順從配婚



UBF 六優主日信息僕人不懂工作態度嗎?
6 distinctions messager but poor working attitudes?



註冊時間: 2011-09-19文章: 7
發表發表於: 10-14-2011 0:59    文章主題: Re: UBF 六優主日信息僕人不懂工作態度嗎?


我常常思念的不是主十字架的救恩,為我的犧牲的愛,而是我不斷地注目在葡萄園裏工作的勞苦。2008夏令營前一個星期,剛從國際夏令營回來不久就從研究導師在星期六下午可怕的審問。因為接近三年的工作,沒有新的可畢業的理論,我也無話可回答。可不容易收拾心情,去預備夏令營的話劇。再過三個月的秋令營,又遭研究導師一個小時的審問。之後,我返回座位預備當晚要練習,還未完成的劇本。突然老細又走來,看見我在實驗室不是做研究,又給他嘲弄一番,又叫了他一個現職牧師的舊學生給我作輔導。……”14/6/2009,太21:23-46 UBF 主日信息)
我聽完佢既信息之後,覺得好奇怪,心唸:一個老闆請個下屬番黎,梗係想佢係個忠心有見識既管家,好似舊約既約瑟咁,咁先可以榮耀神,但佢身為教會既信息僕人,竟然公開話自己,在工作既實驗室裏面,練習劇本,攪到俾老細話佢,我覺得真係叫神既名受羞辱,我心唸:佢會考六A、又一級榮譽畢業,應該好有腦呀,點解連 ”基本工作既態度” 都唔識。佢老細仲請左個牧師黎輔導佢,好明顯,佢老細都覺得佢既信仰有問題,話唔定以為佢係咪返梗有問題既教會?
其實,聖經教導我地: ”神既恩典夠你用,基督徒應該倚靠神既恩典,係工作和服事上,都按自己既能力,好好承擔,才能歸榮耀與神。我分析呢個牧者既情況,結論係:” UBF 教會教導信徒完全委身教會工作,卻忽略、藐視世上既工作,攪到佢時時憂慮、不斷地注目在葡萄園裏工作的勞苦,引致行為失衡(工作時忽然排練劇本),需接受正統教會的牧師輔導。
聖經都教訓我地要做個好管家, UBF 教會教導是否偏離真理呢?(UBF教會只教導人要完全委身教會既工作,卻忽略、甚至藐視世上既工作,以致係工作上有疏忽,而唔能夠榮耀神。)

其實佢老細都好好,搵個牧師黎免費輔導佢,但成篇信息都聽唔到佢對老細和牧師有感激之心,又無聽見佢謙卑接受牧師既輔導而悔改。其實會否 UBF 內在對其他教會的排他性,而銜生出佢不能接受老細和牧師的好意和教導?

佢既然係教會裏主日崇拜信息的僕人,他既言論及教訓有一定的影響力,如果D信徒聽左佢既教訓之後,學左佢咁樣既工作態度既話,咁咪個個攪到俾老細炒魷魚而失業!(唔怪得知 UBF 好多牧者經常失業和不被續約啦!)

點解一個六優和一級榮譽畢業,咁出色的人,竟然好似被人洗左個 ”” 咁,連無優的人都識既 ”基本工作態度,佢都無? 仲點樣講信息,教訓別人呢?


Chicago UBF 宣教士兒子(Second Generation) 見證 UBF 創辦人Samuel Lee 的道德操守

Son of Chicago UBF Missionary (Second Generation) witness ethics of Director of UBF Samuel Lee

President of Chicago UBF Joseph K. C. 宣教士的兒子(Second Generation),見證 Samuel Lee 宣教士叫婦女墮胎,又以屬靈訓練為名,叫男人行割禮的手術,並吩咐信徒做不必要的手術。

(source: http://exubf.blogspot.com/2007/07/joe-c.html)


Thursday, July 26, 2007
Joe C. (former Chicago UBF)
(Posted at http://drchungj.blogspot.com.)

(See also

This is a letter that I wrote in November, 2003. It represents my first attempt to describe my experiences in UBF in one document. I have obscured peoples' names where I thought it was appropriate.

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to testify to the unscriptural teachings and aberrant practices of the University Bible Fellowship (UBF) that I know of and experienced as a member of the Chicago UBF chapter, which has been the world headquarters of UBF since 1976. I was born to UBF parents in 1968 in
 Korea. My father is Joseph K. C., the current President of UBF, in Chicago. I was in Chicago UBF from 1976 to August 2001. I was by no means considered a fringe member of the group but served the group in various capacities that could be considered important. I officially left the group in January 2002.

In the following paragraphs I will refer frequently to Samuel Lee. Mr. Lee is considered the co-founder of UBF along with its current leader, Sarah Barry. Mr. Lee was the General Director of UBF from the time of its inception to January 2002 when he died. He was also the leader of Chicago UBF from 1977-2002.

* Abuses related to excessive control and medical quackery

In 1991-1992, Samuel Lee took notice of a teenage UBF recruit named John P. who had an acute skin condition (psoriasis). Thinking to cure Mr. P., Mr. Lee, who had no medical training to speak of, began to subject him to stranger and stranger "treatments." The treatments began with ordering Mr. P. to lie outside in the UBF church parking lot in a tub of salt water. Bathing in salt water and exposure to the sun is a commonly used home remedy for psoriasis and other skin conditions. But when the salt baths did not seem to cause a significant change in Mr. P.'s condition, Mr. Lee's "treatments" then progressed to injecting salt water into individual skin lesions on Mr. P. with a syringe [10 - 30 times per day], causing excruciating pain. [Additional "treatments" included suctioning blood out of individual skin lesions and pressing herbs into open lesions with exposed muscle underneath and lighting the herbs on fire.] Not one of the medical doctors in Chicago UBF, including my father, did anything to stop Mr. Lee. I witnessed these things, and Mr. P. who was my friend at the time revealed all this to me. Finally, Mr. P. left UBF. On
 February 27, 1994, the CBS television news affiliate in Chicago broadcast an investigative report about Chicago UBF and Mr. Lee during its prime-time news broadcast. Mr. P. was one of those shown interviewed by CBS and recounted the medical quackery practiced on him by Mr. Lee. To the time shortly before his death, I heard Mr. Lee and some leaders under him claiming that Mr. Lee had "completely cured" Mr. P. of his skin condition. [In an interview with a Chicago Korean newspaper, Mark Yoon claimed that Lee's treatments had completely healed Mr. P. Mr. P. still takes medications to control his condition.] Mr. P.'s sister who was also a UBF member at the time can be contacted at [email address withheld]. She will be able to put you in contact with Mr. P.

Around 1993, I was running an errand on the third floor of the Chicago UBF church building, outside of Samuel Lee's office. A group of Mr. Lee's staff was there along with a member named Jeremiah (Gary) Cowen. I saw Mr. Cowen sitting on the floor outside Mr. Lee's office in such apparent pain that he was clutching his head, rocking back and forth rapidly, crX and moaning. One member of Mr. Lee's staff was trX to console him. He was complaining of unbearable headaches. The rest of Mr. Lee's staff, about 3-4 people, were just walking past Mr. Cowen, seemingly unconcerned. A few months later, I saw Mr. Cowen during a Friday night meeting at the UBF church building. He staggered as he walked as if he had little control over his motor skills. He dropped a pen on the floor. He was visibly struggling to just crouch on the floor and to reach out his hand to retrieve his pen. He was struggling in this way for several minutes, just to pick up a pen. It was painful to watch. I saw people walking past, keeping their distance from him, not bothering to help him. I learned from others that Mr. Lee had declared that Mr. Cowen was faking an illness and pretending to be sick to avoid "working hard." This explained why no one was helping him. Mr. Cowen was eventually hospitalized, and it was then learned that Mr. Cowen had terminal brain cancer. This explained why I had seen him in such pain and why his motor skills had deteriorated to such a degree. But before the brain cancer was actually diagnosed, Mr. Lee had also declared that Mr. Cowen was acting sick and could not control his body because he was "demon-possessed." It is known that one day, when Mr. Cowen was at home suffering, Mr. Lee ordered several men in the UBF building to go to Mr. Cowen's house, physically carry him back to the building and force him to put his feet in a bucket of ice to "drive out the demons." Vinay D. ([email address withheld]), a former member, was one of those men who carried Mr. Cowen to the UBF building and may be willing to testify. Jacob and Mary K. ([email address withheld]), both former members, who also saw what was done to Mr. Cowen may also be willing to testify. Mr. Lee was never reprimanded or disciplined for the damage he had done to Mr. Cowen.

In 1993, Samuel Lee decided that my eyes were too narrow. He ordered my parents to take me to a Korean plastic surgeon in
 Indiana to have a procedure called blepharoplasty performed on me. In spite of my objections, my parents exerted pressure on me until I was forced to do Mr. Lee's bidding and have this unnecessary surgical procedure performed on my eyes. As you can tell, my parents did not consider even their children's bodies to be off limits to the Mr. Lee's authority. As I have mentioned, my father is the current President of UBF and has been called a "saint" of UBF. My parents' behavior of submitting to the UBF leader's authority, even in matters affecting their own children's welfare, would be considered exemplary in UBF, not aberrant. I was not the only child in UBF who was coerced into undergoing medically unnecessary surgical procedures at the whim of Mr. Lee. Grace Y. and Sarah W., the daughters of a current Chicago UBF elder named Daniel Y., might be willing to testify that they were also ordered by Mr. Lee to undergo the blepharoplasty procedure. Joseph A., a current Chicago UBF member and son of a Chicago UBF leader, might be willing to testify that he was ordered by Mr. Lee to undergo adult circumcision. Charles K., a current Chicago UBF member and husband of Mr. Lee's youngest daughter, might be willing to testify that he also was ordered by Mr. Lee to undergo adult circumcision. My mother, Esther C., a current member of Chicago UBF, told me at that time that Mr. A.'s and Mr. K.'s undergoing circumcision under orders from Mr. Lee was for their "training." At least one of these ordered circumcisions was performed by a Chicago UBF physician at home. No one in Chicago UBF that I spoke to thought it strange that Mr. Lee could and would order members to undergo medically unnecessary surgical procedures.

* The case of Rebekah Yoon and an ordered abortion

It is known that around 1987, Samuel Lee ordered a female Chicago UBF member named Rebekah Yoon to abort the child from her second failed UBF marriage and enforced his order by sending a male member of his staff to carry it out. Rebekah Yoon was a Juilliard-trained violinist and gave violin lessons to both my siblings. She led the small musical ensemble in Chicago UBF of which I was a part. I know that both her failed marriages in UBF were of the UBF "marriage by faith" variety, that is, Samuel Lee chose her spouses for her and made her marrX them a matter of obedience to himself. Her first spouse was physically abusive to her. I saw her at her residence after one of these episodes of physical abuse. It is known that the marriage ended in divorce after her first husband was beaten by UBF members in the Chicago UBF church building and hospitalized. She had a son, Joseph Park, through her first marriage. Samuel Lee ordered her to give up her infant son for adoption to a childless Chicago UBF couple, James and Elizabeth J.; Mr. J. is currently a Chicago UBF elder. Samuel Lee then forced Ms. Yoon into a second marriage. The second marriage was reportedly pushed with the promise that Ms. Yoon's son would be returned to her if she consented to the marriage. In late 2000, Ms. Yoon's son made known the details of his forced adoption, the second marriage and the ordered abortion in a written testimony posted on the RSQUBF web site. Daniel S. ([email address withheld], [phone number withheld]) and James R. ([email address withheld]), both former members, will know how to get in contact with Ms. Yoon and her son. In 2001, my parents, who were among the very first recruited into UBF and who were particularly loyal to Samuel Lee, admitted to my sister that Samuel Lee had ordered Ms. Yoon to have an abortion because, according to them, Samuel Lee did not want Ms. Yoon "to be like a prostitute." My sister ([email address withheld]) is a current member of the Toronto UBF. Her phone number is listed in recent UBF publications as [phone number withheld].

After suffering such abuses in UBF, Ms. Yoon eventually decided to leave UBF. It is known that when Samuel Lee suspected that she wanted to leave the group, he sent men to board up the door to her residence so that she could not retrieve her belongings. Joshua L. ([email address withheld]) was present when the men sent by Samuel Lee boarded up the door to Ms. Yoon's dwelling. The above-mentioned Daniel S. may also know of others who saw what Samuel Lee's men did to Ms. Yoon's door. Anton S. ([email address withheld], [phone number withheld]), a former member of Chicago UBF, may also be willing to testify about another case in which Samuel Lee had the apartment door of a UBF couple nailed shut when he suspected that they were about to leave the group.

Samuel Lee was not disciplined for any of these abusive acts. Those who spoke up against his actions were expelled from the group or themselves "disciplined."

* The suicide of Samuel Choi, Jr.

Samuel Choi, Jr. was my brother-in-law. He committed suicide in 1999 at the age of 20 while being "trained" by Samuel Lee in Chicago UBF. Samuel was sent to the
 USA by his UBF parents in the summer of 1998 after completing his freshman year of college in Korea. There were suggestions that Samuel should go to a small satellite chapter of UBF in Chicago, but shortly after he arrived in Chicago and shared a "mission report" at a Chicago UBF meeting, Samuel Lee ordered that he join one of the bigger fellowships in Chicago UBF and that he live in a "common-life" arrangement in the neighborhood of the UBF building, i.e. share an apartment with other male UBF members. Within a few months it became obvious that Samuel was not ready for life or study abroad. He was failing badly in school due to the language barrier. The abusive and high-pressure environment of Chicago UBF also wore on him. He dropped out of one and then another university. He was ready to go back home to Korea. His UBF fellowship leader, Joshua Hong recommended that he go back home to Korea. Samuel's sister, whom I am married to, approached my father and suggested that Samuel should return home to Korea. My father's reaction, as it was with every major and minor decision, was that we should "get Dr. Samuel Lee's permission" to do that. Samuel's fellowship leader took Samuel with him to see Mr. Lee to get his permission to send Samuel back to Korea. Mr. Lee denied Samuel his permission to return to Korea. Mr. Lee also ordered Samuel to surrender his passport to him and submit to his "training." This "training" consisted of doing menial chores around the Chicago UBF building, such as raking leaves.

It has been suggested that Samuel was a "weak" person. But Samuel had been able to pass the very stringent Korean national university entrance examination and had been admitted to two prestigious universities in
 Korea, one of them being Seoul National University. (High school graduates in Korea must cram for months and months, staX up very late every night to memorize everything they need to in order to have a chance at passing the university entrance examination. Even then, only about 25% of all applicants are admitted. To say that a university admission is precious in Korea is a major understatement.) He had exercised the option to take a leave of absence from his university after completing his freshman year in order to come to the USA. I have learned that during Samuel's time of difficulty in the USA, Mr. Lee learned of Samuel's having taken a leave of absence from the Korean university. In addition to denX Samuel his permission to go back home to Korea, Mr. Lee called Samuel's mother in Korea and ordered her to cancel Samuel's enrollment in the Korean university, dropping Samuel out of the university that he worked so hard to enter. Samuel's mother felt terrible about doing this, but she obeyed Mr. Lee anyway. His hopes for successful study in the USA dashed, Samuel had to watch as Mr. Lee, through his own mother, destroyed what he had accomplished in Korea as well.

It has been suggested that Samuel was suicidal before he came to the
 USA and that he had even attempted suicide in Korea. He had not tried to commit suicide in Korea. He had told his mother that he had once contemplated suicide as a teenager. However, a history of depression did run in his mother's side of the family. Samuel's grandmother had a history of depression. Samuel's uncle, now a member of UBF in the USA, had actually attempted suicide in Korea. For this reason, his mother was worried about her son as she sent him to the USA, into the environment of Chicago UBF. Mr. Lee was no doubt aware of Samuel's family history of depression since he had been the personal "shepherd" to Samuel's mother for a while in Korea, and Mr. Lee took a special interest in her family.

Shortly after Mr. Lee ordered Samuel to surrender his passport to him and to submit to his "training," on a Monday morning in October 1999, Samuel attempted suicide. He was talked off the ledge by police officers, and they accompanied him to the Chicago Read mental health facility. The wife of Samuel's fellowship leader, Karris Hong picked him up from Chicago Read; her husband was in
 Korea at the time. She and some of her fellowship members tried to keep Samuel under a makeshift suicide watch, but she did not notify our family though we lived in the same neighborhood, and she did not notify his parents in Korea. On the Friday of that same week, Samuel disappeared. He was not at the regular Friday night meeting for all members. His fellowship members, his supposed suicide watch, should have been concerned; they said nothing about it to me or my wife who were at that Friday meeting. Samuel slept at a friend's house that Friday night. The next morning, Saturday, he jumped from a 12-story downtown parking structure. It was not until the police showed up at the Chicago UBF building on that Saturday afternoon that I learned that he had unsuccessfully attempted suicide earlier that week.

I have wondered why the wife of Samuel's fellowship leader would have neglected to inform us, Samuel's immediate family who lived in the same neighborhood less than three blocks away, that he had unsuccessfully attempted suicide that Monday. And why did she try to solve the problem in her own way by setting up a totally ineffectual suicide watch? The answer is clear to me now. It was because she knew what Mr. Lee's "clear direction" in the matter was. As another former member wrote in testifX about Samuel suicide, "[In UBF] Once M. Samuel Lee gives the direction, there is no other way except obeX him, even though his direction is unreasonable." I strongly believe that Karris Hong's fear was that if she told us or Samuel's parents of his suicide attempt, we or they would have moved to help him return to
 Korea, regardless of Mr. Lee's "clear direction." It is likely that Karris Hong did not agree with Mr. Lee's "direction," but she feared Mr. Lee and the possible repercussions if she did anything to undermine his "direction." She chose to stay out of trouble instead of doing what was wise and right. It is a scenario that has been repeated so many times in Chicago UBF.

Just one day, less than 24 hours after the suicide, on a Sunday, Mr. Lee ordered that Samuel's shared apartment room be completely cleared out and all his belongings taken somewhere. Paul Chung and several other current members of Chicago UBF carried out his order that afternoon. [This was done without consulting us at all, his nearest of kin in
 Chicago.] My wife and I were just too numb at that point to object to this at all. Mr. Lee's motivation for ordering this seems obvious to me: Look for and get rid of any evidence, perhaps a suicide note, that might implicate Mr. Lee's abuse as a possible motivation for the suicide.

On that same Sunday, Samuel's suicide was not even mentioned. It was amazing to see how quickly things were back to "business as usual" in Chicago UBF after Samuel's suicide. When Mr. Lee first spoke publicly about the suicide during a regular Friday meeting about two weeks after the suicide, he could only talk impassively about suicide being an unpardonable sin; he never accepted responsibility. My father suggested cremation of the body to Samuel's parents and they assented. They were ordered not to come to the brief, small funeral attended only by Mr. Lee and the Chicago UBF elders. Samuel's name was not mentioned in Chicago UBF again.

Though he denied any responsibility for Samuel's death, Mr. Lee's actions showed that he thought otherwise. There was the aforementioned ransacking of Samuel's apartment room the day after his death. But Mr. Lee also had John Jun, the leader of Korea UBF, write a statement and press Samuel's parents in
 Korea to sign it. The statement basically read that Samuel's parents bore full responsibility for Samuel's suicide. As she told my wife and another former UBF member, Samuel's mother refused at first to sign such a statement, but Mr. Jun pressed the issue until both Samuel's parents signed the statement. What would be the purpose of extracting such a statement from them? Obviously, Mr. Lee's motivation was to protect himself in case of a lawsuit. Throughout this whole ordeal, Mr. Lee's whole motivation was not to console, comfort or "shepherd" the hurting. It is obvious to me that his whole motivation was to protect himself.

(Addendum: In
 Korea, as the leaders of their UBF chapter in Seoul, Samuel's parents told the members of their chapter that Samuel had died as a "martyr" in Chicago. It is unknown what details they provided in their explanation that he had died as a martyr. They even held a ceremony of some sort in their chapter to celebrate Samuel's death as a martyr. They built this mythological ending to their son's life, perhaps to comfort themselves and their chapter members, and probably also to protect Samuel Lee's reputation at any cost. When Samuel Lee learned of the mythology they had built up around their son's death, he took the opportunity to call Samuel's mother to his office when she was next in Chicago and tell her that Samuel had committed suicide, that he was not a martyr and that he went to hell as a result of the suicide. This apparently led to a big argument between the two in Lee's office and allegedly lowered Mr. Lee's lofty standing in the eyes of Samuel's mother.)

No one reprimanded or disciplined Mr. Lee for his part in what happened to my brother-in-law or for his actions in the aftermath of the suicide.

* Abuses related to recruiting numbers and quotas

Between 1993-2000, I served both as a fellowship (small group) leader and assistant fellowship leader. Samuel Lee, as he often openly stated, wanted to have the most numerous chapter in UBF since
 Chicago is the world headquarters. Therefore, he exerted constant pressure on the fellowship leaders to keep up with his demand for greater numbers at the Chicago UBF Sunday worship services. During the weeks prior to UBF international conferences held in the USA, this pressure would be even greater because Mr. Lee demanded that the largest contingent at these conferences be from the Chicago headquarters. To keep up the pressure on the fellowship leaders and their assistant leaders, Mr. Lee would force them to promise to bring a certain number of people from their fellowships to every Sunday worship service or to register a certain number of people per day from their fellowships for conferences. If these leaders were found not to have kept their "promises," they would be given what became known notoriously as "Skokie training" as punishment. This punishment consisted of these "promise breaking" fellowship leaders being driven to Skokie, a suburb of Chicago, and being dropped off to walk back to the UBF building. At a brisk pace, the walk would take close to 2 hours. I was punished in this way twice. In winter months, Mr. Lee would sometimes order fellowship leaders to undergo this punishment in their bare feet, so they would make the walk back home in freezing temperatures in their bare feet. A current Chicago UBF fellowship leader by the name of Abraham Lincoln (formerly Longhri) might be willing to testify that he had to walk back home barefoot. If he is not willing to testify, these former Chicago UBF fellowship leaders or assistant leaders might be willing: Dacian M. ([email address withheld]), Jacob K. ([email address withheld]), Joshua L. ([email address withheld]). Mr. Lee was never reprimanded or disciplined by anyone in UBF for his behavior.

Fellowship leaders and their assistants were not the only ones that Samuel Lee would pressure for increased numbers. It happened very frequently that Mr. Lee would pass out "pledge" sheets to the whole congregation at the regular Friday night meeting. On the sheets was stated something to the effect: "I promise before God to bring the following two people to the Sunday worship service." Each member would then have to list two people that they "promised" to bring to the Sunday worship service and then sign their name on the sheet and turn the sheet in before they left the Friday meeting. The following week, Mr. Lee would assail from the pulpit those who had failed to keep their "promise," sometimes naming them publicly. On at least two occasions that I can recall, the names of all the members who had failed to keep their "promise" the previous week were displayed prominently on the large blackboard in the meeting hall the next week by order of Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee was never reprimanded or disciplined by anyone in UBF for this abusive behavior.

Around 1992, during the early part of preparations for the annual Chicago UBF Christmas worship service, I was told that the fellowship that I belonged to was holding an emergency meeting "just for me." After I was pulled into the meeting, I was told that Samuel Lee had ordered that meeting and had ordered that I and another member of the fellowship be physically struck because we had not "registered" anyone as yet to come to that Christmas service. "Registering" someone meant having them sign an invitation form and pay a fee to attend the Christmas service. The person who had been ordered to hit me could only do so half-heartedly, so an older member of the fellowship proceeded to hit me harder. The other person who was supposed to be struck at that meeting was a former member named Rebecca C., the daughter of current Chicago UBF elder, Isaac C.

* The shunning and slandering of former members

Common to most cultic groups is the shunning, slamming and slandering of former members. The shunning and slamming of former members was a constant during my years in Chicago UBF. But some of the most vicious slamming of former UBF members was against a group of Koreans who were forced to leave the group in the late 1980s. Because they attended a Korean charismatic revival meeting in the
 Chicago area on their own time, this group of members was derisively labeled "Hallelujah Christians" by Samuel Lee, and his slamming them during meeting announcements and even in his sermons became almost a weekly occurrence in my recollection.

To encourage the shunning of these and other former members through fear, Mr. Lee would incorporate various horror stories into his sermons that I was on hand to hear. These horror stories as I heard them consisted of stories about former members failing in business, failing in marriage and falling into bad health or getting into fatal accidents because they had dishonored Mr. Lee and left the group. Examples of these horror stories that were incorporated into Mr. Lee's sermons can be found on-line at: http://mysite.verizon.net/vzep458t/ubfinfo/horrorstories.en.htm.

Mr. Lee was never reprimanded or disciplined for this type of abusive behavior.

* Arbitrary abuses of authority

In April 2000, I attended a UBF Easter conference where Samuel Lee was present. A college student named Daniel C., the son of current Chicago UBF elder, Isaac C., delivered a message during an evening meeting. For no apparent reason, Mr. Lee stated that he did not like the message that Daniel delivered or the way that Daniel delivered the message, and Mr. Lee ordered that Daniel be made to run laps around the conference grounds in the dark of night. This all happened even while Daniel's mother was present at the same conference. The text of the Easter message that Daniel delivered can be read at [url withheld].

In 1995, during the high-pressure preparation for another UBF international summer conference, I attended a nightly meeting of fellowship leaders and assistant leaders led by Samuel Lee. At that time, I had no known issues with Mr. Lee because I hardly spoke to him and he hardly spoke to me, and I had a misguided respect for and fear of him. Before the meeting started, when most of us were sitting quietly with our heads down, Mr. Lee suddenly looked directly at me and angrily called out curses against my mother, saX among other things that she would suffer debilitating health problems. He concluded by saX, "You will see! It will happen!" Neither I nor any other leader in the room said anything. I was amazed at this unprovoked outburst against my mother since my father had been and still is among Mr. Lee's most ardent defenders, and my mother had often neglected her own children to serve Mr. Lee for many hours a day and into the night as a secretary, seamstress, barber, hair stylist, manicurist, maid, cook, etc. without pay from the earliest days of Chicago UBF.

* Physical abuse

Each Christmas in Chicago UBF, Samuel Lee would order that one of his Christmas "dramas" be performed for the Christmas worship service. For the most part, young male recruits who had just committed themselves to UBF would be chosen to be in these dramas. The drama practices would begin between one and two months ahead of the Christmas worship service. The "director" of these dramas was Mark Yoon, a leader of a satellite UBF chapter in
 Chicago. The co-director was Mark Vucekovich, now a leader of the DePaul University UBF chapter in Chicago. At these practices it was common for Mr. Yoon to hit the cast members with sticks, boards, and baseball bats. The cast members were sometimes ordered to hit each other. This was all done under orders from Samuel Lee. Two former members of Chicago UBF who were in the cast of these Christmas dramas, Nick T. ([email address withheld]) and James S. ([email address withheld]), can testify to this type of physical violence. I was on hand as a helper for many of these Christmas drama practices from 1996-1998, and I saw Mr. Yoon hitting cast members and also saw Mr. Vucekovich wielding a stick to "discipline" cast members. The hitting by Mr. Yoon that I saw was not done in jest or in a somehow "loving" way. He was causing real physical pain, causing real fear and anger on the part of cast members. No one in UBF reprimanded or disciplined Mr. Lee, Mr. Yoon or Mr. Vucekovich for their actions.

* Abuses related to collections and offerings

Chicago UBF under the leadership of Samuel Lee was never shy about using compulsion and shame to collect tithes and offerings. Twice during my stay in Chicago UBF, a person in charge of managing special offerings, offerings collected at UBF conferences, contacted me. Once, when I was an undergraduate student with virtually no income, I was told that I had not offered what was considered a "respectable" amount of money. The other time, I was told that I had not offered as much money as my UBF "fiancé." On both occasions, I was ordered to make up the difference with an additional offering.

In 1998-1999, a special collection was ordered by Samuel Lee presumably to support a UBF family that had just lost a teenage son to cancer. After the collection, Mr. Lee accused one of the current elders of Chicago UBF, James H. K., of having offered a less than "respectable" amount for this collection. In at least one small and two large meetings that I attended, Mr. Lee publicly attacked Mr. K. and his wife from the pulpit, accusing them of selfishness and stinginess. Mr. Lee went so far as to attack them in the UBF Newsletter, whose content was solely under Mr. Lee's control and which was distributed to UBF chapters all around the world. In a public letter sent to UBF chapters worldwide in April 2000, Mr. Lee condemned Mr. K. as "one who knows only money and scraped up all the money with an iron hook." Mr. Lee was never reprimanded or disciplined by anyone in UBF for such actions.

As far back as I can remember, Chicago UBF has maintained a publicly viewable offering chart on a wall of the Chicago UBF church building. On this chart are written the names of all Chicago UBF members who offer a monthly tithe, the so-called "World Mission Offering," which is compulsory for all "committed" members of the group. This chart tracks each person's tithing month-by-month. Therefore, if someone fails to tithe for a given month, no matter what the reason, a blank space is there on the chart for all to see. If someone offers less than their normal amount for a month, no matter what the reason, a partially blank space is there on the chart for all to see. [Not only is it reflected on the chart, but the person who offers less than their usual amount will be pressured and guilted and sometimes publically berated for it.]

Though UBF members are held very accountable for each regular offering, as well as for frequent "special" offerings, as far back as I can remember, Chicago UBF has never given a public accounting to its members of how much in offerings was collected and how the offering monies were spent. Detailed collection and spending reports were not published in bulletins, newsletters, public letters or any other publicly available documents in the years that I spent there.

Thank you for this opportunity to testify to just some of what I know and have experienced. I want to reiterate that during my time in Chicago UBF I was not considered a fringe member of UBF nor was I considered someone who was "rebellious," disruptive or someone who had no respect for authority. Also, though I have written much here, I do not believe that my personal experience of abusive authoritarianism in Chicago UBF is particularly unique. I have also attached to this letter a summary in letter form of the institutional neglect of children that I experienced both as a member of UBF and as a child growing up in UBF. Thank you for your willingness to consider all that I and other former members of UBF have had to say.


Joseph C. 

 Chicago UBF Andrew P. 宣教士,見證 Samuel Lee 宣教士扣起他兒子(第二代宣教士)  passport,最終他兒子自殺了


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2007
Andrew P. (former Chicago UBF)
Testimony of Andrew P. (The following was reported by Andrew P., a former Chicago UBF missionary, and published in the year 2000 on the ubfnet.com web site.)
Some years already have passed after I came to
 Chicago as a student lay missionary. But now, I am asking God for my future guidance, leaving UBF inevitably with a painful heart and deep agony where I devoted my youth and time. In fact, I tried to postpone writing this kind of report. Considering my immature inner being in my staX in UBF, I thought it was the most urgent thing for me to have the personal relationship with God newly and to grow spiritually, instead of doing something right now. However I am writing like this due to my conscience of faith that I should let them know the facts before too late, while I am reading the articles of the web site ubfnet.com. I pray I may not be emotional and write only the facts truthfully in the sight of God. Frankly speaking, I did not have any personal conflict with M. Samuel Lee. When I first came to Chicago UBF, I regarded him so highly and even had a fear to some degree. Yet, from the time I can not exactly remember particularly, I started to listen to the Christian radio and cassette tapes, especially after I finished my school study and went to work in a company in order to solve my visa problem. Then I developed the insight to see Chicago UBF objectively. There are lots of things about which I can speak out. But right now, I want to share with you just two big events which made me leave Chicago UBF. If the opportunities are given, I will share with you more details.
First, the suicide of a young man. I believe that you also know this case to some extent. But I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears how Chicago UBF (M. Samuel Lee) dealt with this case. I am telling you once again, I will witness what I saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. The judgment is all up to you. When Samuel Choi came to
 Chicago, I met him several times because of computer related business. That's because I served the computer-related things in those days in Chicago UBF. At that time, he seemed to be a still young, naive and good student. M. Samuel Lee put him in the fellowship of M. Joshua Hong which had the most fruitful student work in those days. M. Joshua Hong is a very faithful servant of God who had the enthusiasm toward God. Actually, the story I heard later is like this: M. Joseph King was the sheep of S. Yoonsook Choi, and he helped Samuel Choi in Korea. Since M. Joseph King knew Samuel Choi well, he wanted to live with him and help him. But under the atmosphere of Chicago UBF, it was impossible to bring out this kind of matter. Once M. Samuel Lee gives the direction, there is no other way except obeX him, even though his direction is unreasonable. Even now I can remember vividly that later on M. Joseph King lamented over how he could not help Samuel Choi and eventually he committed a suicide.
As I recall, Samuel Choi attended a language course first. Then he enrolled in the
 University of Illinois (at Chicago). But, as I also have the similar experience, it was not easy for the Korean student who did not have the good English skill to catch up the academic course of university in USA. It seems that Samuel Choi was frustrated by himself, struggling desperately. M. Joshua Hong tried to help him to overcome by faith, but Samuel Choi already could not handle it. He dropped all his courses. I don't know whether it was the direction of M. Samuel Lee or his own personal direction, but he transferred to Loyola University. But he could not carry out his studies well even there. He wanted to go back to Korea. I remember M. Joshua Hong telling me that it was the first time he had seen such a weak person. It is what I heard from M. Joseph King that he already had tried to commit suicide once in Korea, and his mother had asked him to return to Korea without committing a suicide in his difficulties. Eventually, M. Joshua Hong also judged it better to send him back to Korea. He visited M. Samuel Lee and suggested about that matter. In my knowledge, another missionary also visited M. Samuel Lee and gave the same proposal. But M. Samuel Lee had his passport taken away, ignoring their advice. And he gave training to Samuel Choi. He put him in charge of sweeping the countless fallen leaves around the center everyday. I also saw Samuel Choi's lonely appearance, sweeping the fallen leaves in the late afternoon, when I came from work. In those days, M. Joshua Hong was in Korea because of the marriage of his sister with his American sheep. Later, I heard from one missionary like this: she saw Samuel Choi just two days before his suicide. At that time, he had no focus in his eyes, mumbling, "Somebody stole my document (passport)!"
His Suicide and Afterwards
It was a Saturday afternoon. I went to the
 Chicago center to study the 1:1 Bible study with my sheep. His name is Joseph Cruz, and he was living a common life with Samuel Choi in those days. When he came, I could read something serious from his face. I asked, "How are you"? He answered that he was not so fine. Then he told me that Samuel Choi committed suicide through throwing himself down from a high building. At first, I could not believe his words. But he repeatedly told me that that Saturday afternoon, a policeman came and informed him of Samuel Choi's suicide. And that policeman said that he had already tried to commit suicide earlier in that week, but they just sent him back since he did not tell them his address. So, I informed this news to S. Mark Yang who was staX in Chicago at that time. But S. Mark told me not to tell anybody (even to his parents), and let me wait until M. Samuel Lee gave the direction. I felt we needed the emergency prayer meeting in Chicago UBF. Yet, at that day, Chicago UBF was very quiet. I expected there would be some announcement on the next day, the Lord's day. However, almost all missionaries were very busy to bring their sheep to the Sunday worship service. What was worse, M. Samuel Lee did not mention anything about that event even during the announcement of Sunday worship service. It was just after the Sunday worship service. By accident, I overheard the telephone dialogue of Dr. Joseph Chung (his son married the older sister of Samuel Choi), when I was passing through. He was asking the quick (the next day) cremation of the remains through the telephone. He said it was not necessary to have the funeral service. M. Paul Chung took hold of me when I was passing by, and let me bring young missionaries to Samuel Choi's apartment and throw away all his belongings. I was struck dumb to see all these things were progressed so quickly. I had a question that the life of one young man and everything that belonged to him could be disappeared like this in futility, and at the same time I came to be filled with anger. But I did not have the choice except obeX that direction. In that week, there was a regular Tuesday testimony sharing meeting for the assistant fellowship leaders. Almost over twenty people were gathered. But almost everybody did not mention anything about Samuel Choi. Only one or two people with me, mentioned about that. S. Ron Ward, who was the leader of that meeting, did not mention it thoroughly either. Even he did not give any prayer topic for his parents and him. Chicago UBF was never shaken at all. I never saw somebody shed his tears because of that matter. I could not but doubt whether or not this was a Christian fellowship. I couldn't help asking why we needed to keep on bringing sheep, while we could not serve even a single soul with God's love. I can not remember exactly whether or not it was that week or the next week, but eventually M. Samuel Lee mentioned about Samuel Choi in the announcement time of Friday meeting. But he expressed no compassion toward him or sympathy toward his parents. M. Samuel Lee blamed his rich parents for raising him up to be so weak. That was all. And the suicide case of Samuel Choi came to be forgotten in Chicago UBF.
The Destruction of M. Jackie Lee's Family
I don't know whether you know it or not, but M. Jackie Lee served M. Samuel Lee as a secretary until recently, some years ago, from the pioneering stages of Chicago UBF. Her husband, M. Jacob Lee, died of hypertension some years ago. Some years ago, M. Samuel Lee let her quit the job of the secretary, and publicly blamed her that she did not learn Jesus at all even though she had the privilege to be near him. I know M. Jackie had a very difficult time because suddenly she lost her job and her husband also died. Later on, I had an opportunity to talk with her. At that time, M. Jackie confessed that it was very difficult for her to endure because of the thirst for God's Word. She said she could not be satisfied any more through God's Word in UBF. So M. Jackie started to have the Bible study with a wife of the pastor of a church. Then she decided to leave UBF to which she gave all her life. In those days, M. Jackie was staX in
 Korea. And M. Samuel Lee became aware of the signs of her leaving UBF. M. Jackie has five daughters and a son. Three daughters are already married in UBF. I could see this case from the first, since her daughters were in the same fellowship with me. Suddenly, M. Samuel Lee let the family of her eldest daughter and son-in-law who were living in the house of M. Jackie Lee to move into the house near the UIC Bible House. And he let the fourth daughter of M. Jackie Lee, who was not married yet, move into the same house, too. But the youngest daughter and the youngest son went to Korea with their mother. M. Samuel Lee hurriedly sent the fourth daughter of M. Jackie Lee (about 19 years old at that time) to Korea and let her immediately submit the paper of the marriage with a Korean shepherd (I heard that he was about 6-7 years older than her).
When M. Jackie came back to
 Chicago, she had a lot of conflicts with her daughters and sons-in-law. Later I heard from the youngest daughter (a high school student) that M. Samuel Lee visited M. Jackie. At that time, he said to her that she was not qualified to go to her father's tomb. She was dumbfounded and asked him back why she could not visit. Then M. Samuel Lee said that she defiled the name of her father. And he said that since she left UBF, she became proud and turned against the servant of God. And he cursed her. Because of this, that youngest daughter was immeasurably hurt. One day, M. Jackie received a call from the four married daughters. They started to talk to their mom one by one. They said to her not to call them and not to visit them. According to the youngest daughter, it seemed that somebody (according to her, M. Samuel Lee) let them copy his words from the back. The sons-in-law also called M. Jackie Lee and declared not to meet her. And one of them even called his mother-in-law Satan. M. Jackie went to Korea again. Even though she did not want that marriage, she tried to meet her fourth son-in-law and his parents, since she was in Korea. But M. Samuel Lee (according to M. Jackie Lee) already called them and gave the direction not to meet her, saX that she was involved in the organization of Sun-Myung Moon. The fourth son-in-law did not try to meet her and treated her like an enemy. But his parents persuaded him not to treat his mother-in-law worse than the worldly people, so that they could meet each other. But it was still hostile.
Eventually, there were wedding ceremonies of ten couples on the Friday of the week of the birthday of M. Samuel Lee. Among them, there was the wedding ceremony of the fourth daughter of M. Jackie Lee. But that daughter called to M. Jackie Lee and told her not to come. But M. Jackie attended the wedding ceremony after a long prayer. Maybe, you can guess how much hostile they are, once you left UBF. It was an enormous decision for M. Jackie to attend the wedding ceremony of her daughter. The wedding ceremonies of those ten couples were the marriages between the daughters of the missionaries who were just over twenty and Korean young missionaries. I already left UBF at that time. But I heard that they finished a wedding ceremony in fifteen minutes. I heard that M. Samuel Lee called M. Jackie Lee and demanded that she offer at least $20,000, since he blessed her daughter's marriage.
No More Victims of the
 Kingdom of Samuel Lee!
Actually, I have more things to speak out, but I wrote about two shocking events which I experienced as based on the facts. I realized something was wrong, observing the death of one young man in futility and the separation of one family into two with my own eyes. I could not understand how they became enemies between daughters and their own mother. I could not understand how a son-in-law could call his mother-in-law Satan. I lamented over Chicago UBF where nobody could speak out the truth. But I was one of them. That's because nobody could stay in Chicago UBF, speaking out the truth. So, eventually, my family left Chicago UBF like this. And I am writing like this, in order to speak out the truth even a little bit.
My desire is like this: Please let people know the true picture of Chicago UBF. And please try to make efforts that the young missionaries should not be victimized by the
 kingdom of Samuel Lee, coming to Chicago UBF without knowing anything about the situation here like me. Leaving Chicago UBF unavoidably, many are still in the deep agony and great pain. Please pray for them.

眾多前 Chicago UBF 的同工,見證 Mother Barry 宣教士的道德操守
(source:  http://www.voy.com/63135/3/76.html) 

Date Posted:
 17:16:25 01/09/02 Wed
 Dear Reverend Mother Barry... & Lorne Green goes hunting
In reply to:
 rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30
 01/09/02 Wed

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: Dear Reverend Mother Barry...

Dear Reverend Mother Barry,

I remember you sort of cringed when I first called you that after Samuel Lee first dubbed you "Reverend Mother Barry." It wasn't your idea. I know that Sunday night's birthday bash at World Buffet wasn't your idea either. But, thank you for the opportunity to eat at that fine establishment again. While I was stuffing my face, I realized that we had done this last year at the same restaurant. Last year, it was your 70th birthday, a birthday of some significance to both Koreans and Americans. But this time it was your 71st birthday. I couldn't help but wonder why we were doing this again on the same scale. I couldn't help but wonder if we would have done this if this whole reform business were not going on. As some Roman Emperors noted, the people need to be distracted while the "barbarians" encroach on our borders. Somehow, I know that such an elaborate feast on your 71st birthday was not your idea.

At last year's birthday bash, I was a willing and happy participant.
But I had a whole different perspective at this year's dinner. I realized the extent to which the glorification of human beings has run out of control in Chicago UBF. I found the meal-time entertainment, especially the drama, even more shameless than last year in glorifX you, elevating you to the point of holy sainthood. I found this level of adulation inconsistent with your own view of your life. You have been and are still able to say in all earnestness that you are a sinner. In your testimonies, you don't trumpet how you worked, but how God worked in and through others. How I respect you for that! In that regard, you are very different from Samuel Lee who cannot even bring himself to say four simple words, "I am a sinner." And I know that it was not your idea or those students' idea to elevate you to holy sainthood. We know whose idea and direction it was. It still doesn't make it right, though. And it still indicates that Chicago UBF has a serious problem when hero worship reaches the level it reached
Sunday night. I really hope we won't be doing this every year.

A former Bible student of yours and still an admirer,


Author: Anon
Subject: Re: Dear Reverend Mother Barry...

Do you think M. Sarah Barry and other
 Chicago leaders read this site? I wonder why M. Sarah is so silent and compliant when it comes to M. Samuel? I believe she is very faithful to Christ and very faithful to M. Samuel. But, I wonder just how much she can do or take? M. Sarah, if you are out there, please talk to us and post us your thoughts? Tell us why it looks like you follow one person so unconditionally? I want to know what you really think without the interposition of other people's thoughts.

Author: listener
Subject: Re: Dear Reverend Mother Barry...

I used to think Reverend Mother Barry was such a SAINT I actually saw her as an advocate for women missionaries and shepherdesses. I know she gave up her hopes of being married in order to follow UBF Ministry. However, I don't understand why she was so silent and passive when S. Lee ordered those women to have abortions. Did she agree with him? Couldn't she somehow prevent it. Also, why did she try to cover up Lt. Sarah Kim's adulterous affair w/ Damon. I understand Hazel suffered much, and cried many tears to GOD. How could she ignore all the suffering Christians in UBF
and pretend that nothing is going on?

Author: ChicagoY?
Subject: Re: Dear Reverend Mother Barry...

Yes, she is a saint. In fact all who put their faith in Christ are saints. She is a sinner just as we are and would probably be the first to admit it. Who know the reasons why she plays along with this game for so long? Perhaps she believes God is using her to keep a semblance of sanity in UBF? Perhaps she regards herself as Samuel Lee's shepherd and does not want to desert him? I don't know how she thinks.

But she doesn't have to be perfect. That is the problem with UBF, we are encouraged to put leaders on such a high standing that when we see their inconsistencies, weaknesses, and sins then it is really hard.

No one deserves the amount of honor and authority that we here in UBF alot to leaders. It just does not work out good in the end.

Author: Listener
Subject: Re: Dear Reverend Mother Barry...

Okay. But how can you live with that? I mean just to sit there and see all this unnecessary abuse of Believers, and do absolutely nothing. Not even a hint, not even a wink, not even a nod.
And to think God is watching!

Author: Ichabod
Subject: Re: Rev. Mother Barry.--Who?..

Come on, have mercy on her. Treat her with the forgiveness and understanding that we have not received from UBF leaders. Let's not perpetuate such thinking, since much of it is the cause of the problems that exist now.

Besides that, how about us? How many times did we stand by and not do anything when a leader threw a good christian out of the fellowship? How many times did we shut our ears to the insults, condemnations, and ridicule that came from the pulpit and say, "Well, that is God's servant speaking." Even still, how much do we fail to stand up for the oppressed, the fatherless, the widow, and the people who have no voices.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for reform, I just don't want the things we are fighting for be denied to those who would deny them to us. It is all about REFORM, isn't it?

M. Sarah did give her life to serve Christ and students with the Gospel, but something went haywire along the way somewhere, and it can happen to any of us. Let's don't call people names.

Author: david
Subject: Re: Rev. Mother Barry.--Who?..

I still don't understand how she can justify her silence and acquiesence through the long years of involvement with Dr. Lee! It's too much to believe that she is oblivious to his character and outrageous conduct. Abortion is a grave matter, after all! She is certainly culpable and bears the weight of very grievous sins on her shoulders if Amy Young's testimony is accurate about the matter of Little Sarah's adultery. Apparently she punched this gentleman "Damon" (Demon?) in the mouth 2 X's. This is not the usual conduct of a meek and humble 70 year old woman. It would be nice to give her the benefit of the doubt, but is there any reason to believe that she deserves it? Is she just a picture of the prototypical follower of Dr. Samuel Lee--cowed, manipulated, intimidated, deceived--or is she something more subtle and sinister? Pride of position?

Author: Lorne Green
Subject: Re: Dear Reverend Mother Barry...

(Archiver's note: This UBF spy hunter was really working the Alan Wolff angle.)

 Chicago X. We all know that you stuffed your face. It was a step up from the ALPO you usually get. But we all know that Wolfies like to eat. Did you have some (A & W) rootbeer too.

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: Re: Dear Reverend Mother Barry... (To Lorne Green)

The insults I can take, but don't even try to guess because you could put the wrong person under suspicion. I made that mistake once.

Author: Lorne Green
Subject: Unmask and unplug yourself

Sorry Chicago X, didn't mean to insult you. Just want to be creative in the identity game. My buddy, 2nd Gen X, gave up but I don't want to. I want you to come out from the bushes. You don't want me or anyone else to guess. You are right about revealing someone who is innocent. That is bad. But, you have to realize that through all your ranting and raving you have revealed a lot about yourself. The list of possibilities is short. And getting shorter. It is only a matter of time before someone or yourself will reveal your identity.

Author: Comrade Lenin
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself

Lorne, you also reveal alot about yourself and UBF. You show what kind of atmosFEAR it is saturated with. Why must people talk secretly and hide? Why do you want to have a search and destroy mission? Others have commented how CUBF is similar to a communist organization in its secrecy, control of information, and constantly checking for loyalty. Don't you think there is some truth to this?

If you want to find out who he is, why not just ask the leadership to make a way for people to publically say what they feel or think without retribution? That would be good, wouldn't it? Or do you prefer the present atmosfear and secrecy?

Perhaps you enjoy your witch hunt? You can win some points and be a hero? Perhaps a new Thomas de Torquemada? There's a fine idea, a UBF Inquisition...you could be Director of Investigation for Heresy and Repentance?

Incidently, do you think any CUBF members are capable of violence? You don't they would harm Chicago X if they found out who he was, would

Also, are you a Christian?

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself

You're assuming I don't want to be unmasked. Unmask me or don't. Either way, you'll be doing me a favor. I would suggest that thinking and commenting about the issues presented here might be a better use of your time.

Author: Comrade Stalin
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself

ChicagoX, you know what to do if you get caught:

1.) Say it is all lies and false slander.

2.) Say it is Satan's attack.

3.) Offer him a "gift."

4.) Tell all CUBF people they can no longer come to the center.

5.) Talk about the "good" things you have done.

6.) Pretend as if nothing happened.

7.) Ask Dr. Daniel Hong to come to your defence.

8.) All of the above.

Author: comrade
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself

9.) Call him a "crazy dog."

Author: Mahatma
Subject: CUBF violence

Violence at UIC in the 80's and early 90's got CUBF into too much trouble. They've learned that violence by UBF in
 America is not tolerated to the degree it used to be in Korea. They won't hurt ChicagoX. But they might nail a sheet of plywood to his front door like they did to Rebekah Yoon or, more recently, to Joseph and Lucy Park on the night they were going to leave CUBF. All on Samuel Lee's orders, of course.

Author: Ichabod
Subject: Lorne

So, you want to know who the pretender is? Well, this Sunday while you are at the center, just look around. It will be the person with the biggest smile, the one who nods the most and shouts AMEN the loudest when the leader and his work is mentioned. It will be the one who uses the most UBF catch phrases and cliche's and nods most vehemently when the barking crazy dogs are criticized. Just look around, there may be lots of pretenders and others who know that there is something seriously wrong. Perhaps you may see one in the mirror if you look close enough.....

Author: Lorne Green
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself

(Archiver's note: Lorne was just trX "to get through to ChicagoX." Lorne swears he's really a nice guy.)

Actually, my alias and web personality is not like me at all. I have to use these tactics in order to get through to ChicagoX. I hope X will confront these issues in person with Dr. Lee, leaders, even the whole congregation. People keep saX that there is no open communication in UBF, therefore one cannot speak out. Well, if a person believes in their cause enough - nothing will hold them back. Anything is possible in God, right?
X, sorry I've harrassed you like this. I want you to come to a resolution in your heart. I do love you, for I have prayed sincerely with you before. I will not reveal you. I am waiting on you.

Author: Ichabod
Subject: Lorne

If there is an atmosphere of openness in discussion in CUBF, then why did Dr. Samuel refuse to talk to Reformers when they visited and instead told them to separate from UBF? Why has he refused to discuss with Reformers the ideas for Reform or questions about finances? Why did he tell Isaac Kim to not invite Reform directors to the upcoming staff meeting?

Do you really think it is that open? Think about what would happen to you if you raised an issue that might make Dr. Lee uncomfortable to talk about? I mean an issue that you did not accept his pat answer to, but wanted to get to the real truth? Why don't you try it?

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself

The resolution I reached in my heart long ago (and also a promise I made to someone) was to remain in Chicago UBF. If someone as lowly and unimportant as I brought the issues of SLee's wrongdoings to him or to the leaders, you and I both know it would be a one-sided conversation, and I would be asked to leave if I did not repent and submit to some form of reeducation. Our history tells me this would happen. So, I am resolved to stay, but at the same time my conscience really makes me want to leave, so I wouldn't mind if you revealed who you think I am. It's an inner conflict, and I suffer a lot because of it, but I've resolved to accept this suffering for the time being. I think I've made that clear in the past. Yes, I believe that anything is possible with God, which is why I've been praX like never before for God to intervene through Reform even in
 Chicago. It'll take more than a person like me reasoning with SLee; it will require God's intervention. I understand why my presence would make loyal
UBF members uncomfortable to the point of having to harrass me on line, but try to understand that I'm sort of stuck in the position that I'm in, whether through circumstances or my own weakness. Whatever you decide to do is fine with me. I'm waiting on God.

Author: Subdimsum
Subject: Learning from the master?

Have you been learning from the master of abuse and harrassment "for the sake of edification?" Read what you wrote: "I HAVE to use these tactics to get through to ..." and "sorry I've HARRASSED you like this. I want you to come to a resolution in your heart." Since when did the use of such tactics and harrassment become justified to help another Christian? Or do you proudly think you are Joseph to ChicagoX's
 Judah? SLee is a master at using such tactics. Have you read Peter Chung's testimony? SLee, without any apparent reason, accused Peter Chung's wife of having adulterous desires. SLee admitted later that he made up this allegation to "help her spiritually." Hello?! More often than not, such "help" embitters all but the most forgiving of people. Do you use such tactics with your own sheep? I hope you don't because you won't have them for long. Don't learn these abusive tactics from the Master. They are rarely, if ever, justified.

Author: Disciple2
Subject: Re: Learning from the master

I'm not surprised to hear that SL created a lX accusation of adulterous feelings to "train" a wife of a missionary. Is this a tactic of Sam's, or is it considered acceptable in Korean ehtics?! In standard western Christianity, we never train people by lX to them. Jesus didn't ever tolerate that tactic of the pharisees. Forgive my questioning, but Koreans in the organization keep us in the dark about everything. That seems to be a Korean trait.

Author: Glad-2-B-Out 2d Gen.
Subject: Re: Unmask and unplug yourself


You sound really young. If you really knew all the stuff that happened to people who tried to "communicate," you might realize how naive you sound. (I'm not saX this to be mean).

My parents were manipulated by SL. Some of my parents friends were downright screwed by SL.... one was kicked out for expressing his views.

But you know what? People ARE communicating - through the reform movement. Those in the movement have tried to communicate with SL as well... but SL refuses to have anything to do with them (probably becuase he knows they've caught him with his pants down). More compellingly, people have been communicating from the 1970s - go to reformubf.org and read about the reform movement then.

While you remain in UBF, information will be filtered through SL.... so no matter how much some people communicate, you might not hear what's really going on.

One more thing: Before careful how you throw around phrases like "anything is possible in God."
Because per your suggestion - maybe even reform is possible.

Author: Forgotten Things
Subject: M. Sarah Barry....a Reformer?!!!

Did you know that M. Sara Barry used to be a Reformer in the Presbyterian Church? Look at this article about segregation in the Presbyterian church:

"In 1958
 Mississippi presbyteries asked the PCUS Assembly to abolish its Council on Christian Relations because it opposed segregation. Denominational youth conferences at Montreat,North Carolina, were desegregated in 1960, after which conservatives organized alternative events. Central Mississippi Presbytery even closed its Camp Calvin rather than permit integrated activities. In June 1960, Jackson's First Presbyterian Church offered a large gift to Columbia Seminary which placed theological restrictions upon professors and limited enrollment to whites. The seminary declined the money.14

A few Mississippi Presbyterians worked for change. Sara Barry of Benoit (later a PCUS missionary in
 Korea) wrote her M.R.E. thesis at New York's Biblical Seminary on "The Role of the PCUS in a Segregated Society." 

Hmmm....very interesting. M. Sara(h)
does indeed have a Reformer background. Perhaps she will remember it?

Author: Forgotten Things
Subject: "Sara Barry Days"?

I found some information about M. Sara and how she was supported by her church in
 Benoit, Mississippi. This article is about court cases involving churches. Note: there is absolutely no insinuation of any illegality or wrong doing in this article. Interesting enough, M. Sara's father was an elder in the church:

"Oddly enough the 1979 case also dealt with a Presbyterian missionary. (11) (The cynic might say that these successful outcomes only apply to Presbyterians.) Sara Barry was a missionary with the Presbyterian Church in
 Korea and E.H. Winn was her first cousin. Barry's work is sponsored by a number of Presbyterian churches and one of them, Benoit Presbyterian, sponsored several "Sara Barry Days" to raise money for her. Contributions received on those special occasions were channeled by Sara's father, an elder in the Benoit Church, into her personal bank account. The Winns were actually members of another Presbyterian church and had previously made contributions into that church. But
on this occasion, they wanted to donate $10,000 in a more direct way. So instead of running it through their own church, which would have directed part of the funds to the World Council of Churches, a purpose the Winns did not support, the Winns wrote out a check payable to the "Sara Barry Fund." The check was endorsed "For Deposit Sara Barry Fund," and deposited in Barry's personal account. It was then used for Korean mission work.
The Tax Court disallowed the deduction because the Presbyterian Church never received or had use of the $10,000. However, the appellate court reversed and allowed the deduction. They noted that an officer of the church took the funds donated and dealt with them as the church desired. And "that the funds went to the support of the work the church intended is sufficient to establish that the funds were donated for the use of the Benoit Presbyterian Church."

Author: Forgotten Things
Subject: Origins of UBF

Here's an article about the Benoit Presbyterian Church. I thought it was interesting because UBF's origins are from there. Also, it is interesting to see the contrast between it and UBF.

A gathering of faiths
Scripps Howard News Service

Mom was a Baptist. Dad was a Methodist. She married a Presbyterian.

Who does she go to church with? Family and friends.

"Labels don't mean much around here," said Iday Wilkerson, who's been going to church with assorted Protestants all of her 81 years. "We're all just trX to get to the same place."

Wilkerson belongs to the Benoit Union Church, which last Sunday celebrated its 100th year of unity.

 Miss., may not be on your map. It ought to be on your mind, especially if you're Protestant. The few hundred residents of that single square mile of Mississippi Delta not only live in the same community. They worship that way. Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians in Benoit have studied, sung
and prayed together each and every Sunday since 1900.

No one remembers a disagreement, let alone a dispute.

"We all get along. We love each other," Wilkerson said.

When Benoit's Presbyterian Church burned in 1896, members invited other congregations to join them in rebuilding. They accepted. They shared a Savior, so why couldn't they share Sundays, they figured. On first and third Sundays, the Methodist preacher leads the service. On fourth and fifth Sundays, the Baptist preacher brings the message. On second Sundays, it's the Presbyterian's turn.

"You really can't tell a difference in the preaching," said Mildred Blocker, a Baptist and a Union Church member for 46 years. "All the pastors are our pastors. They don't preach doctrine. They just preach the Bible."

Everyone uses the same Bible at the Benoit Union Church. They also use the same hymnal and Sunday school materials.

Each of the three congregations is affiliated with a separate denomination. Each hires and
pays its own pastor. But other bills and decisions are evenly split three ways.

"There's never been any discord," said Ed Boyd, a Methodist who joined the church with his wife, Bobbye, in 1954. "Seems to me that's the way a Christian church should be."

Should be. Often isn't.

When churches and denominations aren't competing among themselves for money or members, they're often fighting within.

Not in Benoit. Unity isn't just practical there. It's biblical. Each member is a different part of the same body.

Sure, the parts operate a bit differently from one Sunday to the next. Sometimes, Iday Wilkerson takes communion standing up at the altar, other times she's sitting down in the pew. Everyone's invited.

When she recites the Lord's Prayer, sometimes she says "debtors," other times it's "those who trespass against us." Same difference.

When there's a baptism, sometimes there's a dunking, other times a sprinkling. Water's water.

"Been there 30 years, still
don't know who's what," said Wilkerson, a Presbyterian. "From one Sunday to the next, we don't know if we're sitting there next to a Baptist, a Methodist or a Presbyterian.

"Like I said, we're all trX to get to the same place."

David Waters may be reached by e-mail at waters@gomemphis.com or by mail at The Commercial Appeal, P.O. Box 334, Memphis, TN 38101.

Former Chicago UBF Director 兒子(Second Generation) Chung Joe 受到 Ron Ward 以主日信息公開定罪


一) 隱藏或掩飾教會和領袖的罪惡,叫人把問題和罪的根源歸結於離開者;
二) 令信徒恐懼,害怕自己若離開的話,同樣會受到所愛的人如此的定罪和抹黑,而失去離開的勇氣;
三) 抹黑滿心傷痕而離開的羔羊,是十分邪惡的行為,絕非牧者所為。
四) 作為信息僕人,竟然站在神的位置,公開定別人的罪,論斷可憐的羔羊,行為實在可恥!
五) Ron Ward 又在信息中,稱呼 Chung Joe 的父親 Joseph Chung saint (聖人),實在奪去神當有榮耀,把榮耀歸給人。

事緣: Former Chicago UBF Director 兒子(Second Generation) Chung Joe 受到 Chicago 信息僕人 Ron Ward 以主日信息公開定罪,他寫了一封公開信,回應他的言論,並 quote 了他當時在主日信息中侮辱他的部分,然而,Chicago Centre竟然在事後刪改了侮辱的字句,以掩飾 Ron Ward 在信息中論斷人的惡言,可比較以下兩段文字:

Open Letter to Ron Ward, by Chung Joe

17th-Jun-2007 01:49 pm
Mr. Ward:

I am the son of Joseph Chung that you refer to in your sermon this week (http://chicagoubf.org/messages/message/294):

Dr. Joseph Chung is known to be a saint among us. For the last six years, his son has been doing mischievous things and has damaged himself and others in many ways. At the time, Dr. Chung was president of UBF. It was shameful to acknowledge that his own son was acting like the greatest enemy of UBF. Yet Dr. Chung honestly brought this problem to God in prayer again and again in public and in private. He also pleaded with others to pray for his son Joe. Then a situation rose in Joe’s family that drove him to humble himself before God and before his parents. Now there are signs of reconciliation and healing with God and in the family as well.
I am glad that I have not been "driven to humble myself" to the point that reading such slurs does not make me a bit sad, angry and sick inside. I wonder how you think including such slurs helps the situation between me and my parents. I see that there is as yet no acknowledgment at all of the damage that UBF did to me "and others in many ways" (which you are well aware of). I hold out faint hope that my family's current situation does not fit neatly into theworld view that you have absorbed over the years, since surely even you can acknowledge that it is not only the families of "UBF's worst enemies" that experience adverse "situations." I need you to know that God had begun healing me and helping me move on, years before this situation in my family arose. And my reconciliation with God was assured the moment I believed the gospel. The situation has indeed humbled me, and I am determined to be reconciled to my parents (your mention of me in your sermon not withstanding) because they are my parents, and I ought to love them, as other former UBF 2ndgens have admirably and successfully done with their parents. I have made my position on reconciliation with UBF clear elsewhere and won't dwell on that. As a further sign of the humbling and healing effect that God has effected through my current family situation, I forgive you and will continue to move on.

In Christ,
Joe Chung

Sunday message by Ron Ward

Dr. Joseph Chung is known to be a saint among us. For the last six years, he has prayed for his own son with honesty, a broken heart, and persistence. Dr. Chung has also prayed for God’s sheep under his care. For the last three years he has studied the Bible with Carlos Santiago of Triton. Carlos was not a gentleman when he began Bible study. His girlfriend Elisa was afraid of him. But Dr. Chung prayed for Carlos to know Christ and grow in the grace of God. God answered this prayer. Carlos changed inwardly and became a noble man of God. He decided to go back to college and finish a degree. He also won the heart of Elisa and they had a beautiful wedding yesterday.