Q.1 UBF的宣教士、牧者經常強調在UBF裏有何等的救恩和聖靈的工作發生,怎會是異端或操控性教派呢?
答:即使有人在異端裏信主得救,也不表示他所返的教會就不是異端。因為人只要通過聖經,就有機會信主得救,而異端(特別Bible Based Cults)由於提供了一個讓人接觸聖經的渠道,因此,也可能有人會在異端通過聖經信主得救。事實上,不少異端運用聖經作為迷惑人的媒介。試問若不以聖經作迷惑人的媒介,又怎能令人信他所說的呢?

Q.2 信徒應以怎樣的態度看待異端呢?質疑異端是否等於褻瀆聖靈呢?

Q.3 宣教士/牧者被鬼附著麼?
答:每當宣教士/牧者查考馬可福音5章,有關格拉森人經文時,都會告訴你:”我們每個人身上都大約有 200-300 隻鬼”,有些牧者會明顯地說:”羔羊心裏有情慾鬼、淫亂鬼、拍拖鬼、去旅行鬼等等”(那麼,宣教士應該有說謊鬼、操控人鬼、獨裁鬼等等)有時牧者會問你:”你從前被甚麼鬼附著呢?”然後又會教導你要時刻被神說話/聖靈管治內心,鬼才會離開你。間接則係話:叫你從早到晚查經和祈禱,否則就會有鬼附著你。
通常羔羊查完呢段經文之後,都會好疑惑,究竟自己是否被鬼附著呢?大家可看看以下片段,來了解被鬼附著的特徵,免得自己被 UBF 宣教士/牧者胡亂地說 ”你被乜乜鬼附著”,而白白受驚,唔查經、祈禱就感到不安,怕自己會被鬼附著。

Q4. UBF有大學生分享感動人的生命見證,他們都在UBF信主後經歷很大的改變,UBF又怎會是異端呢?
答: 據新興教派研究中心羅錫為牧師所說,UBF 是說謊 (Deceit) 的教會,事實上,有分享過生命見證的人都知道,許多分享的部分都經過宣教士/牧者的修改,才能上台分享的。他們往往強調人生改變的部分,加以誇大,例如:GPA 信主前是1.5,信主後就急升到3.4,另外,他們又刪減一些非 UBF 教導的部分,例如:羔羊信主後想多些愛和照顧家人,或做義工關心社會,但他們卻會刪除這些部分,改為羔羊信主後在 UBF 裏如何爭扎一面工作,一面服事,甚至會幫羔羊找一句人生金句,說成是羔羊自己領受的人生金句(或重生金句),但羔羊可能未必如此領受過。宣教士/牧者這樣改生命見證的目的,是務求令生命見證聽起來叫人很感動,及令人覺得羔羊是通過 UBF 而得救的,但事實上,宣教士/牧者沒有教導羔羊要誠實地作見證,反而教唆羔羊為求令聽眾覺得充滿恩典而說謊/作假見證,這是嚴重的罪惡。
說謊在基督教裏是大罪(箴言6:16-19,"撒謊的舌" 排在"流無辜人血的手" 前面),這個問題很嚴重,假如經常說謊或作假見證的話,根本不能作宣教士/牧者服事神。
Q5. 雖然羔羊未必完全誠實地分享見證,但他們確實是在 UBF 信主的,那又如何解釋UBF是異端呢?
答: 異端教會也會有少數信主得救的人,因為他們也會教訓聖經,但他們有許多扭曲聖經真理和違犯基督教教義的教導,這些教導是逐少逐少滲入信息和查經資料中,令人不察覺,就正如落毒在食物中,少的話是不會立即有病或死亡,但長期吃有毒的食物,就最終必患病而死,我們稱這樣的信仰為「有毒信仰」,只要仔細觀察,不難發現 UBF 的信息/查經資料中,有很多是與異端專家 Steven Hassan 和 Rick Ross 所指出的有毒信仰,不謀而合。

Q6. UBF 宣教士/牧者經常為離開UBF的人可以寬恕 UBF 的牧者和傷痕得到醫治而禱告, UBF 宣教士/牧者不是都很有愛心地,為離開的人禱告嗎?
主頁
Q6. UBF 宣教士/牧者經常為離開UBF的人可以寬恕 UBF 的牧者和傷痕得到醫治而禱告, UBF 宣教士/牧者不是都很有愛心地,為離開的人禱告嗎?
答: 若 UBF 為那些離開的人、可以得醫治和寬恕 UBF 牧者的傷害而禱告,是間接指離開的人內心有憎恨/怨恨,這也是 UBF宣教士和領袖最喜愛和最常用的技倆,一方面令牧者們誤信他們真的充滿牧者心腸,另一方面,又可令 UBF 裏面的牧者們不再關心領袖的罪惡,反而把視線轉移到離開的人身上,把所有罪的問題歸結到離開的人身上,藉此來抹黑他們。因此,不要相信 UBF 這些狡猾的代禱,因為當弟兄姊妹每為離開的人得寬恕而禱告一次,弟兄姊妹就會多一次提醒自己,離開的人是有怨恨的罪。
然而,離開的人並不會因 UBF 這樣的代禱而憤怒,因為 UBF 的弟兄姊妹都是因為在無知(不知道宣教士和領袖的陰險、狡猾而被利用)當中,才為離開的人這樣代禱。當然,宣教士和領袖可能都以為自己好真誠,不會認為自己是陰險和狡猾的。

Q7. 可否舉出一些具體的例子,說明他們的信息中,包含了一些有問題/有毒素的教導呢?

Q9. 聖經中“異端” 的用法: 請看 徒24:14 怎樣說:“但有一件事,我向你承認,就是他們所稱為異端的道,我正按著那道事奉我祖宗的神,又信合乎律法的和先知書上一切所記載的。”當時那些法利賽人被猶太社會視為 “正統” 宗教,受絕大部份信仰上帝的猶太人認同,也受官方政府羅馬所支持,不過,他們稱保羅所信的,是 “異端” ,保羅清楚知道這事情,並承認在他們眼中是 “異端”。那麼保羅所信的,是否真的是 “異端” 呢?按 “正統” 宗教的觀點看,保羅所信的,便是 “異端” 了,因那些所謂 “正統” 宗教對 “異端” 的理解是與當時猶太社會的看法相同的。為甚麼大學生研經宣教會被視為異端呢?
答:最重要一所教會願意開放信徒去吸收其他教會的資訊,和與其他教會或神學院有溝通或合作的關係,讓教會內信徒不斷吸收屬靈知識,以致能有獨立思考和分析能力,明白其他教會的教導,也知道自己所返的教會,是否適合自己信仰上的成長和事奉。如果一間教會封閉自己,斷絕信徒對外的溝通渠道,藉此操控信徒,又叫信徒不好聽出面果套(例如:出面教會、離開的信徒等)… 要聽晒自己果套,又以自己果套為最高的標準,這些isolation 和 black and white 的thinking,會影響信徒屬靈生命成長,是不健康的信仰。

Q.10 Could you please highlight for me some of the major problems many have with UBF, and why some consider it a "cult"?
Answer: I think the foremost problem with UBF that has caused them to be in the news and in the sights of cult experts for some 30 years in theUnited States is the issue of excessive control over recruits' lives. If a recruit shows any type of commitment to UBF, they will most likely be pressured to spend more and more time doing UBF activities which leads to the recruit's becoming isolated and alienated from their family and friends (unless the recruit's parents are recruited themselves as is the case with one ------ UBF family). At the same time, the recruit's family and friends may notice significant negative personality changes due to UBF putting pressure on them to conform to the image of a UBF chapter leader. It's at this point that many parents of UBF recruits have become concerned and called cult experts and the media about UBF. This resulted in several UBF recruits undergoing involuntary and voluntary deprogrammings in the 80s. As the February Columbus 10TV news story shows, parents of UBF recruits continue to notice the same things happen to their sons and daughters after they join UBF.
So I think the major issue is excessive control. UBF's attempt to control will only increase the longer a recruit remains. UBF will likely attempt to control where the recruit lives, trying to get the recruit to live with other UBF members whenever possible in a practice called "common life." UBF will then attempt to control what the college recruit does after graduation. UBF will most likely pressure the graduate to stay in the same chapter, limiting the graduate's options for job or post-graduate education location.
In what is probably the ultimate attempt to control a recruit, UBF will arrange the recruit's marriage (the practice called "marriage by faith"). The leaders will suggest to the recruit whom they think he/she should marry and then apply pressure until obedience is achieved. The recruit may reject the leaders' choice of marriage partner initially, but the leaders will persist with more "suggestions" and more pressure until obedience is achieved. There is no dating or even a platonic courtship in UBF in which two recruits may meet and choose each other for marriage. A common arranged marriage is a UBF member with American citizenship with a member of a Korean UBF chapter who immigrates toAmerica shortly before the marriage, with the two members knowing little to nothing about each other before their marriage.
Other issues that have been cited about UBF are authoritarianism and the heavy use of guilt and compulsion to order the lives of UBF members. Offering and tithing is usually compulsory. Meetings and conferences are compulsory. Recruiting more members is compulsory. Dissent is not tolerated. Near-absolute obedience to leaders is expected. This is all after a recruit has become sufficiently commited to UBF.
UBF has a history of incorporating violence and humiliation in its methods of training recruits. Other methods of UBF training have been described as extremely intrusive (weight loss "training", weight gain "training") or bizarre (walking long distances, sometimes barefoot in the winter).
In practice, UBF has almost zero relationship with other churches, ministries, Christian institutions of higher learning or seminaries based in theUnited States . Other than the current UBF Director, Sarah Barry, I am not aware of any other leader of UBF who has formal seminary training or recognized ordination as a pastor, and Barry's own claimed seminary training is under some suspicion.
Leaving UBF is almost always traumatic. Members often leave without notifying anyone that they are leaving, sometimes packing their belongings in secret. Many need counseling after they leave UBF.
Misuse of offering funds in UBF has also been cited, with members having little to no say and given no details on how funds are spent.
Due to the heavy time commitment expected of UBF members, there is a history of local authorities being notified of the neglect of UBF children by their UBF parents.
(source: exubfjc)

Q7. 可否舉出一些具體的例子,說明他們的信息中,包含了一些有問題/有毒素的教導呢?
答:UBF 已經有五十年異端的歷史背景,所以,他們掩飾自己異端性的技倆已是登峰造擊,每當有被指為有問題的地方,他們便會改頭換面一翻,但實體卻仍是一樣。例如:
我們也知道,假如宣教士真接話在 UBF 裏的人才得救、而返其他教會的人是要滅亡的,這必定是異端的教導,是違反基督教教義的。他們以前是這樣說的:話離開UBF 的人,是離開神的使命,要落地獄和滅亡,他們曾因這樣的言論,而曾被牧師指這是異端的教導,因此,近期他們改頭換面,說離開 UBF 的人都有神的旨意和帶領,但卻經常強調留在 UBF 的人,才是神的餘種子民,間接表示離開 UBF、返其他教會的人,就不是神的餘種子民,是不得救的。而且他們經常稱返其他教會的人為世俗信仰的基督徒,或人本主義的基督徒,或 Sunday Christian,而不會直接說他們不得救。
以下是上主日一部崇拜信息 (30/10/2011) 的部分內容:
"這世界充滿敵擋 神的勢力,似乎敵擋 神的世界作王、管治我們;在這樣的世界裏,我們成為餘剩的人是不容易的事。但當我們仰望 神禱告,成為餘剩的人時, 神應許要恢復我們的信仰,使我們過結果子的人生,耶和華的熱心必成就這事。 神為祂的名和為耶穌基督的緣故,從世界的攻擊裏保護和拯救我們;我們可以做的只有禱告呼求耶和華 神,留下不離開 神。"
所以,你要學懂聽他們狡猾的言論,例如:以前他們會說離開 UBF 的人是有憎恨的罪,現在他們改為”為離開的人可以寬恕和內心得醫治”而代禱,實際上是間接指離開 UBF 的人,有怨恨的罪。
其實,他們這一類的詭辯實在太多,難以一一述說,但肯定的是,他們不斷地變,務求別人不能找到他們異端性的把柄,這種說謊、詭辯的行為,你認為是否合乎聖經呢?這是否一個合理的原因,令人應該離開 UBF 呢?
Q8. 如何脫離大學生研經宣教會 (UBF)?
答:其實,離開 UBF 的牧者或宣教士,並非如一些人所說,是因為他們有人際問題、怨恨、愛世界......,這些都是UBF宣教士和領袖常用的技倆,在羔羊面前如此抹黑離開的人(包括 Director、宣教士、牧者、弟兄姊妹、羔羊),他們這樣做的目的:
第一、是向羔羊隱瞞 UBF 教會的問題及宣教士和領袖的罪惡,把罪歸給離開的人身上(身為宣教士和牧者,抹黑羔羊是一個十分邪惡的行為);
第二,是為叫那些質疑 UBF 教導而想離開的人,因為恐懼會同樣被論斷及抹黑,而 ”唔敢” 離開,最終惟有留在 UBF,作一隻被溫水煮的青蛙(即在操控環境下,不斷吸收異端、封閉及操控性的教導,漸漸失去批判思想和道德價值,例如:以甜言蜜語哄羔羊結婚;或向家人隱瞞已經結婚事實……)。
其實,許多離開 UBF 的牧者或宣教士,絕大多數都是因為拒絕接受 UBF 異端性及操控性的教導,為了持守正確的信仰立場,曾向牧者或宣教士提出 UBF 違背基督教教義的教導,例如:獨裁、操控…… 而 UBF 領袖往往以高壓指摘這些提出不滿的牧者,例如:早前寫了一位投訴中大領袖書信的受害人,也經歷過提出不滿時,而受到牧者的強烈定罪和指摘,因此,這受害人應該很明白,提出不滿之後的後果。相反,一些決志持守正確信仰立場的人,因為拒絕接受那些 UBF 異端性及操控性的教導,加上被牧者無理地指摘、精神虐待,而決志依靠神的恩典,勇敢地拒絕牧者的操控,即使暫時承受宣教士、牧者的抹黑和論斷,也最終因為神的愛而能夠返回正統基督教教會。
然而,有些牧者曾經對UBF的教導(例如:如信中所說要絕對出席聚會)向牧者提出反抗,但幾次反抗後都不太成功,加上自己已經受牧者操控得越來越深,去到一個地步:已經與牧者建立一個不太正常的關係(例如:羔羊凡事依附牧者,甚至失去自處和面對社會的信心,而牧者又凡事控制羔羊,詳見"宗教成癮的文章"),而不能自拔。那時,惟有接受 UBF 那些異端性及操控性的教導,而自己也開始以同樣的方式,去操控羔羊,而令更多羔羊受害。
因此,在此鼓勵那些質疑 UBF 異端性及操控性的教導的弟兄姊妹,鼓起勇氣,依靠神的恩典,脫離牧者的操控,及與牧者不正常的依附關係,並開始聽正統教會的牧師的講道,將正統基督教的教導和運作,與 UBF 的教導和實際操作 (例如:獨裁、操控、絕對順從、住帳棚、配婚等行為) 作比較,重新鍛鍊自己的獨立思考能力和批判性思想,並靠著神的愛和恩典,抵擋 UBF 宣教士、牧者的抹黑、論斷和以經文定罪的聲音,最終必能成功脫離異端及操控。

Q9. 聖經中“異端” 的用法: 請看 徒24:14 怎樣說:“但有一件事,我向你承認,就是他們所稱為異端的道,我正按著那道事奉我祖宗的神,又信合乎律法的和先知書上一切所記載的。”當時那些法利賽人被猶太社會視為 “正統” 宗教,受絕大部份信仰上帝的猶太人認同,也受官方政府羅馬所支持,不過,他們稱保羅所信的,是 “異端” ,保羅清楚知道這事情,並承認在他們眼中是 “異端”。那麼保羅所信的,是否真的是 “異端” 呢?按 “正統” 宗教的觀點看,保羅所信的,便是 “異端” 了,因那些所謂 “正統” 宗教對 “異端” 的理解是與當時猶太社會的看法相同的。為甚麼大學生研經宣教會被視為異端呢?
答:最重要一所教會願意開放信徒去吸收其他教會的資訊,和與其他教會或神學院有溝通或合作的關係,讓教會內信徒不斷吸收屬靈知識,以致能有獨立思考和分析能力,明白其他教會的教導,也知道自己所返的教會,是否適合自己信仰上的成長和事奉。如果一間教會封閉自己,斷絕信徒對外的溝通渠道,藉此操控信徒,又叫信徒不好聽出面果套(例如:出面教會、離開的信徒等)… 要聽晒自己果套,又以自己果套為最高的標準,這些isolation 和 black and white 的thinking,會影響信徒屬靈生命成長,是不健康的信仰。

Q.10 Could you please highlight for me some of the major problems many have with UBF, and why some consider it a "cult"?
Answer: I think the foremost problem with UBF that has caused them to be in the news and in the sights of cult experts for some 30 years in the
So I think the major issue is excessive control. UBF's attempt to control will only increase the longer a recruit remains. UBF will likely attempt to control where the recruit lives, trying to get the recruit to live with other UBF members whenever possible in a practice called "common life." UBF will then attempt to control what the college recruit does after graduation. UBF will most likely pressure the graduate to stay in the same chapter, limiting the graduate's options for job or post-graduate education location.
In what is probably the ultimate attempt to control a recruit, UBF will arrange the recruit's marriage (the practice called "marriage by faith"). The leaders will suggest to the recruit whom they think he/she should marry and then apply pressure until obedience is achieved. The recruit may reject the leaders' choice of marriage partner initially, but the leaders will persist with more "suggestions" and more pressure until obedience is achieved. There is no dating or even a platonic courtship in UBF in which two recruits may meet and choose each other for marriage. A common arranged marriage is a UBF member with American citizenship with a member of a Korean UBF chapter who immigrates to
Other issues that have been cited about UBF are authoritarianism and the heavy use of guilt and compulsion to order the lives of UBF members. Offering and tithing is usually compulsory. Meetings and conferences are compulsory. Recruiting more members is compulsory. Dissent is not tolerated. Near-absolute obedience to leaders is expected. This is all after a recruit has become sufficiently commited to UBF.
UBF has a history of incorporating violence and humiliation in its methods of training recruits. Other methods of UBF training have been described as extremely intrusive (weight loss "training", weight gain "training") or bizarre (walking long distances, sometimes barefoot in the winter).
In practice, UBF has almost zero relationship with other churches, ministries, Christian institutions of higher learning or seminaries based in the
Leaving UBF is almost always traumatic. Members often leave without notifying anyone that they are leaving, sometimes packing their belongings in secret. Many need counseling after they leave UBF.
Misuse of offering funds in UBF has also been cited, with members having little to no say and given no details on how funds are spent.
Due to the heavy time commitment expected of UBF members, there is a history of local authorities being notified of the neglect of UBF children by their UBF parents.
(source: exubfjc)