
Prayer for Hong Kong UBF (13 May 2012)

Posted on 05/12/20125:53 pm, by briank 

Today I received the following email from a former Hong Kong UBF member. With her permission, I share the unedited email. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Hong Kong UBF who are experiencing painful division. The main reason is the same as in other UBF chapters: a constant demand by leaders for sheep to submit to their authority, in the name of “keeping spiritual order” and honoring the UBF spiritual heritage above human relationships. As I wrote earlier in November 2011, this problem has been ongoing in Hong Kong UBF.

1 Corinthians 12:26-27 “26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.  27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

On 12.05.2012 00:37, Exodus Ubf wrote:

Dear Brain,
Thank you for your support and encouragement on your blog. I am glad to be your friend too.

We just heard a news that one house church (Shep Paul Liu & Shep Rebekah) and their fellowship members have all left HK UBF last week. Rebekah is the greatest disciple of Msn Angela Kim (other than Shep Maria and her coworker Shep Hayes Tang) and Her fellowship once was the biggest family (around 10-20 members) in HKUBF. Actually Shep. Paul Liu once was the ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF and he is one of the messengers of SWS (Chapter II) in HKUBF. However, Msn Angela Kim suddenly raised up Shep Hayes Tang as the Abraham of Faith to replace his position. Here is his testimony:

“Shepherd Hayes Tang reported on Hong Kong Mission,and shared his life testimony. He became a born again Christian through one to one Bible study during his school days, and then he became an ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF …”

Last week, Shep Rebekah leave UBF together with her fellowship members. We don’t know the details for the cause of their leaving, exactly numbers of exodus and their future plans. However, one brother told us that she might be blamed by Msn Angela Kim. Actually, we know that Shep Rebekah has long been discredited by Msn Angela Kim because she had her own thinking, did not listen to her words and obey her absolutely.

Indeed, it is because Shep Rebekah loves the sheep so much, and she doesn’t want to use the UBF method of dictatorship and manipulation to serve God’s sheep.

We tell her that some pastors who are familiar with the operation of UBF are very willing to have Bible study or counselling supports to them if they need. And we will remember them in our prayer.

Thank you for your continuous concern about UBF – Hong Kong. May God bless you and you family.

In Christ,
HK Exodus

