
UBF 領袖如何 "配婚”? / How UBF leaders assign “spouse”? (12 Dec 2011)

由於大學生研經宣教會(UBF)會為信徒配婚,藉此操控信徒,而 UBF 的配婚是相當神秘的,因此大家可參考以下兩個網站的資料:

1. UBF 領袖如何 "配婚”? 

異端專家 Rick ross 網站發放有關 UBF 領袖 "配婚"安排

"They use arranged marriage first as a bait for the young students, and then as a way to control the married couple. Usually they marry a less loyal members to a very loyal member (therefore the marriages are often between Koreans and Non-Koreans), so the leader can exert control through the more loyal marriage partner." (source: http://forum.rickross.com/read.php?12,21702,page=2 )

據 Rick Ross 網站資料,UBF 傾向將一位較較易操控的(較聽從牧者)與另一位相對無咁易操控的(無咁聽從牧者的)二人結合一起,此舉能把他們捆綁在一起,不能離開 UBF,因此若果其中一方想離開 UBF 的話,必遇到另一方(即較易操控的一方)阻止,所以許多信心家庭內,經常發生夫婦之間的衝突,有時這些衝突的發生,是由於宣教士/領袖想利用已受操控的一方,去操控另一方。

另外,由於無咁易受操控的一方,害怕離開 UBF 會導致離婚或婚姻破裂,因此他/她惟有繼續留在 UBF ,無奈地漸漸接受操控, 而UBF也可繼續從二人身上,要求奉獻大量時間或金錢給教會,若有兒女的話,情況可能變得更悲慘,因教會要求信心家庭,為教會事務全然奉獻,需要犧牲家庭兒女(註:UBF 宣教會/領袖會教導牧者,憑信心把家庭兒女交託給神,讓神親自成為他們的父母,而把工作以外的所有時間獻給 UBF,用作出席聚會和服事羔羊)。


網上也有教會領袖操控信心家庭的例子,可參考 http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/10/x-x-ying.html 。

How UBF leaders assign “spouse”?
In Rick Ross’s website tells us how UBF leaders arrange merriage partner.

"They use arranged marriage first as a bait for the young students, and then as a way to control the married couple. Usually they marry a less loyal members to a very loyal member (therefore the marriages are often between Koreans and Non-Koreans), so the leader can exert control through the more loyal marriage partner."  (source: http://forum.rickross.com/read.php?12,21702,page=2 )

According to Rick Ross, UBF tends to assign one easier manipulating party to a relatively not-easy-to-manipulating party. When they are bound together, they are more difficult to leave UBF and easier to be manipulated. With such arrangement, if one party wants to leave UBF, his/her spouse will not allow. Therefore, many house church couples have frequent conflicts. Such conflicts occurs when the missionaries/leaders ask one party to control his/her spouse.

Moreover, the not-easy-to-manipulating party will afraid that leaving UBF might lead to divorce or marrige breakdown, so, he/she has to remain in UBF and will be manipulated gradually . UBF can continue to abuse them spiritually. For a family with children, the situation would be worser. Since UBF leaders request shepherds to dedicate totally to church affairs, even sacrifice their family (Note: UBF missionaries/leaders will ask shepherds to sacrifice their children to God by faith and let God himself be the children’s parent. So, after working, they can dedicate all the time to UBF to attend meetings and serve sheep)

In Hong Kong, the general house church’s parents need to attend all meetings and Bible Camps. Their children, aged below 12, are not allowed to appear in the meetings. Therefore, the missionaries/leaders will ask parent shepherds to pay for employing domestic helper to take care their children. So, the parent shepherds are free to attend meetings and serve sheep after working. Once, a pair of parent shepherds, without domestic helper but were requested to attend all meetings, always placed their young children alone at home (without adult accompanied) to have dinner and sleep at night. Under the law of HK, such neglecting children’s behaviour might be illegal and could be very dangerous. They might be charged for child abuse.

There are some examples of how HK UBF leaders control the house church. You may refer to the following website:   http://hkubf.blogspot.com/2011/10/x-x-ying.html 。

source:  http://ubf1.wordpress.com/2011/12/11/140/ 

2. 配婚安排:攝理教(JMS)及統一教(UC)/ 與UBF的配婚比較


